Chapter 12

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Charlotte arrived at the hotel room to the sight of her mother fast asleep. She thought she may have been exhausted from the day she had with Mike. Not because of how exhausted she was emotionally. Charlotte got ready for bed and climbed into the bed beside her mother's. It was onlt a few hours into sleep that Charlotte's dreams were interrupted by loud whimpering and moaning.
Charlotte rubbed her eyes awake and adjusted to her eyes to the darkness. She managed to turn on the light. It then revealed a sight of her mother kicking in her sleep crying and moaning. Charlotte rushed over to her bedside an shook her. "Mom," she shook. "Mom, wake up."
"Please, don't hurt me!" Carrie cried.
"Mama, I'm not going to hurt you," Charlotte replied. "It's not real. It's just a bad dream."
Carrie's eyes almost flash opened. She was sweating bullets and her breathing was short and chopping. She could not stop sobbing.
"I can't breathe," Carrie cried.
"Mama, don't move," Charlotte told her mother. "I'm going to go get some help."
Carrie followed her daughter's orders and stayed put on the bed. The longer Charlotte was gone, the less oxygen that was filling her body. She felt as though she was going to pass out or have a heart attack. About a minute passed, and Charlotte came in with Mike and MacKenzie who were in a room right down the hall. Mike immediately ran over to Carrie and was by her side.
"What's wrong, Care?" he asked kind of already knowing what was wrong.
"I can't breathe," Carrie barely got out.
"Kenz, get her a wet wash cloth," Mike ordered.
"Mike, I need my medicine," Carrie cried.
"What medicine?" Charlotte asked. "You don't take any medication, Mama."
"Purse," Carrie said.
Charlotte went over to her mothers Louivoutton purse and searched around to find a medicine bottle prescribed to Carrie. She noticed it was anxiety medication. She had never seen the bottle before and she had never seen her mother take it. She never knew her mother had anxiety. She knew her mom was always concerned about being strong in front of her. Little did Carrie know that Charlotte didn't care how much Carrie showed off her strength. She knew her mother was strong. She didn't need it to be proven. Charlotte made her mother a glass of water and gave her a pill from the bottle.
A couple of minutes passed and within those, Mike stroked the side of her face and her hair which seemed to be calming her down. The tears gradually stopped streaming down. Her body didn't shake anymore and she was regaining her composure.
"Girls, how 'bout you go sleep in my room for the night," Mike suggested. The girls nodded.
Before leaving, Kenzie gave her dad a hug goodnight. Charlotte went over to her mom and kissed her on the cheek. "I love you, Mama," Charlotte whispered.
"I love you too, sweet girl," Carrie whispered back still a bit weak.
The girls left so it was just Carrie and Mike. Mike laid his back against the headboard with Carrie cuddled up to his chest. "I know you're good at keeping your emotions to yourself," Mike began. "But I also know that you feel better when you talk about it with someone."
"It's just..." Carrie tried to explain but her thoughts interrupted her. Mike entangled his hand in hers and then she refocused. "The last time someone touched me like that is when I got raped. And that's always given me nightmares. Ever since then, I've had anxiety. I only need my medication for when I have an attack but still...I didn't want Charlotte to ever find out because I'm embarrased by it."
Mike didn't think about himself for a second when Carrie spoke those words. The fact that a guy would rape a girl like Carrie destroyed him inside. "Care," Mike said. "You are the strongest woman I have ever known. You've had a thriving career that you love and is your passion. You've raised Charlotte on your own for fifteen years. And all through that, you always stay strong."
"Except for now," Carrie replied.
"No, you're still as strong as ever," Mike told her. "Carrie, I'm proud of you for telling me to stop. It never bothered me when you said that because the last thing I want to make you is uncomfortable. I'm proud of you for telling me about your anxiety. I'm proud of you for telling me things that you probably have never shared before. All of this just makes you a stronger woman, Care. I love you with my heart and soul and I always will. I want more than the best for you. I know you aren't always going to be happy, but my goal is to always make you happy. That's what I want for the strong woman I love so much."
Carrie cursed herself for crying at a time like this. But the words Mike spoke to her...they meant that he actually cared. Something a guy has never done for her.
"Mike," she said wrapping her arms tightly around his firm body. "Thank you."
Mike kissed the top of her head and stroked her hair as her eyes began to close and her breathing was evening out. Slowly, she drifted off into slumber. And as did he.

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