Chapter Six: Jail Time 2

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I put my hands up along with Hercules. He pointed at both of us. He then pointed the gun down. I went over to him and slapped him. "Considering he has a gun, WHY WOULD YOU SLAP HIM YOU IDIOT!" yelled Hercules.

"Because I wanna knock some sense into him! WE ARE IN MODERN DAY! You can't just buy a gun. You have to train and get a license. Return it!" Alex looked me in the eyes.

"I'm not returning it!" He demanded.

"What the h*** are you doing with a gun then!"

She's saying heck, geez.

"I mean, it's for protection," he said.

I face planted myself with my palm. When he was done buying his weapon, he got a case. We walked home. I unlocked the door and everyone looked at us.

"What's in there?" asked Peggy.

"A GUN! Yes a gun, because Alexander thinks it's okay to buy a gun. C'mon people, have some sense!" I yelled.

"Why would you buy a gun?" asked Eliza.

"Because, it's literally just for protection!" James grabbed it and played around with it.

"STOP JAMES BEFORE YOU SHOOT SOMEONE WITH THAT!" Then after we heard a bullet fly from out the hole. Everyone shreaked. Alex took the gun from him and put it back in the case. He went over to the TV and hid it under the cable box.

That night, I got into bed and got out my bible. I read it. John climbed into bed next to me.

(Okay, take a break. I have so many ideas but I wanna keep this PG-13. Even though before I thought about them getting married, so I guess- Haha)

I just continued to read. "Um, so how have you been?" He asked me. I pulled my hair behind my ears.

"Um, I've been good I guess." He nodded his head. "What about you?" I asked him.

"I've been really good. Thanks for letting me- um stay in your bed and at your house." WARNING: CRINGE

"No problem!" I said quickly. I think it was weird because I said it so fast, but eh. I then told him that I was gonna turn the lights off. He smiled and said okay. Ahhhhh, his smile. I smiled back and then turned out the lights.

In the morning, I heard a loud bang. OH GOSH! My window had shattered! What should I do? Should I wake John up? Should I get the gun? Should I lock my door? I decided to wake John up. I tapped him.

"John, wake up, I think someone just broke into the house!" I said. John jumped up. He opened up the door and I peeked out. A man with black all on was standing there, aiming his gun at all of us. No one was near the TV. I scooted over to the Tv with my hands up as Peggy distracted the man with all her moans and sobbs. I then opened up the case and grabbed the gun. I passed it to Alexander. Then the robber turned around and saw Alexander. I think Alexander panicked because out of nowhere he started shooting. Then the most disastrous thing happened! He shot James! I rushed over to him but then thought about that idea. I should probably go back in my room because the robber can kill me because I am out in the open. So everyone panicked and ran to my room. Leaving Alex and the robber. We heard one more gunshot and we knew it had to be the robber or Alexander. We peeked out and the robber was laying cold dead on the floor. Alex blew on the pistol.

"OMG! JAMES IS DEAD!" Maria yelled. Maria went close to James and cried. Maria then looked at Alex. No one was going to stop her. If someone had killed our man, we would be so upset and would want to pounce on them. She punched him and then finally we made her latch off. "YOU KILLED MY HUSBAND YOU MANIAC! HE DESERVES TO GO TO HELL!"

( I told you I would be holy but wouldn't you be angry if someone killed your husband?)

"I'm so sorry Maria- I can make it up to you! I didn't mean to," Alex said face as red as a cherry. She cried her heart out, and Eliza went over to her to comfort her. I shook my head. I grabbed the phone and called a medic. They came and rushed James into the ambulance. Maria went along with them. I guess I had no choice because she wouldn't know how to respond to the doctor because she only lived in the 1800s.

Later that night, Maria decided to stay at the hospital and I went to my house. The policeman showed up and wanted to know the story. I decided to explain. "Well basically, a robber came to our house and we had no other choice but to try and threaten him. He had a gun aiming at each and one of us. When our friend, Alex, used our gun he accidentally shot at our friend, James. James is being hospitalized. I think the robber was too." The policeman took notes and then told Alex that he was under arrest.

This is really weird, but I promise it will get better. 

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