Part Two: Chapter Two: Crazy Woman

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Alexander's POV

Okay so basically this chapter might be long, but who cares. Also the name of the chapter might not make sense because Y/N might not turn crazy. Anyways, I might forget that i wrote this and the chapter might be short, so just deal with it.

This woman was crazy. She grabbed me by the neck. Her extremely long nails that looked coated with a pale pink color scratched me. Honestly this lady was so crazy! I finally let out a sigh. "I think they might be at the nearest bar," I said. She then took her hands off of me. I grasped for air. She had just suffocated me! She also dragged me into her house, pulled me into this weird machine, and everything has gone wrong. As she spun this weird circular thing in front of her, I

tried not to make eye contact with her. When we stopped, we looked like we were at the same place I had described. This was a cool type of transportation. I then was stuck. A black rope choked me and I couldn't get it off. She was able to get out just fine and she started laughing at me. I knew my face had turned red because a mirror reflected my face. She finally helped me out and we walked up to the building. Loud sounds blasted and she started bobbing her head. It seemed as though she liked this loud music that blasted through our ears that had rhythm. We walked all the way to the back. I could see everyone. They all looked at me.

"Oh, well I see you brought a girlfriend Hamilton," teased James. I sparked a look at him.

"No she is not my girlfriend, but she is helping me so appreciate it!" They all shrugged and looked at her. Then Peggy got up and went over to introduce herself. That dang on Peggy, always gotta be nice.

"Hello. I am Peggy and these are my friends and the girls over there are my sisters besides the ugly one. She is Maria Reynolds." Maria started shouting at Peggy and Lafayette sighed to break the fight up.

"Oh um okay. My name is Y/N." Everyone nodded their heads. That was the first time she had introduced herself. I thought her name was Eleanor.

"Well, Allons-nous rester ici pour toujours, ou pouvons-nous partir?" Asked Lafayette. (Since I know you're not smart enough to translate. Lafayette and his french self said, Are we going to stay here forever or can we leave.)

"Oh come on Lafayette! Stop talking french, as no one understands you!" I said. Everyone looked at me. (Okay I am going to look up if any of them spoke french because I might be wrong.) Okay ;D I am a total idiot because ALEXANDER can speak french!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA Okay in this story he doesn't understand so roll with it!)

I then turned pale. Then John got up and brushed his hands on his coat. I could see Y/N go a hot red. John began to stretch.

"Are we going to go or not?" screamed Eliza.

"Chill out," yelled James back to her. Then it was an argument. This always happened. That's why Y/N had to be quick with whatever plan she had in mind.

"SHUT UP EVERYONE! I AM NOT GOING TO TOLERATE WITH THIS MESS! My plan is we will go to my house and hang out until we have a plan," Y/N yelled. Everyone agreed and we followed her out. She seemed pretty confident and strict. She also was very pretty....WAIT STOP. I can't fall in love with this woman. I'm in a relationship with Eliza and I can't dare cheat. I don't want to write another Reynolds Pamphlet. Everyone squeezed into the car. Some people got into the trunk because Y/N car was so small. When we got into her house, everyone inspected it. They gasped and looked at all the modern things. Peggy was obsessed with the curling iron once she learned what it did.

"All of you are embarrassing me with these clothings. But, I mean you guys were born a long time ago, so girls, go in my closet and find something and boys, I think I might have some of my ex's old shirts." Y/N said.

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