Letters from and to the Grave - Pretty Little Liars

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Pretty Little Liars,

I bet you're somewehere in a pretty little room, decorated with pretty little flowery stuff pretending to live the  peace and love life every girl should, aren't you? And somehow, somehow your brand new smartphone or expensive laptop led you to this, a letter written by me. And that very same moment an image pops up in your head. Halloween. Aria. Ali's body. That cold little girl. Just an episode, you think. It doesn't mean anything. But you're wrong. It means absolutely everything. Because I'm not here just to teach four pretty little liars a lesson they should have been taught years ago. I'm hear to teach all of you a lesson. And you should know by now that my lessons have to be learned the hard way. Nobody is getting away with ugly lies, whether the one who is telling them is pretty or not. And just when all of them think they do, just when all of them think they will get away with it, I show up again. Or Ali shows up again, another part of the mystery that has not yet been solved. That is, of course, either her body or memories show up because I already managed to get rid of that, the biggest liar of them all. And I am not afraid to get rid of just a little bit more. People. Nobody gets to be a saint in this life, remember that. Oh, I know exactly what your faces looked like when you figured out about Toby. A little too late, maybe, only when there was no going back. Just when it was absolutely confirmed, you think. Well wait. You will be astonished, amazed when you figure out what, or who, is next. And I am not just ready to tell you, yet. Mwah!


Letters from and to the Grave - Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now