Wall - Nishinoya Yū

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Arts by Ranshino on Deviantart (here's a link~) https://www.deviantart.com/ranshino


I had faced many walls in my life. Never been able to get over them. And here I was again, wondering how was I going to get over this wall. It was the tallest I ever saw to this day. Just climb it. How could I? Go around it. There was no end to it. Just give up. 

I sighed and looked at the sky from the courtyard, a paper in hand. I laid down on the grass and closed my eyes. It was quite chilly outside but I did not feel like standing up. I felt numb, disoriented, wondering what was the best thing to do right now. It's not like you have much choice.

I  don't want it.

"[name]-chan? Are you alright?" a male voice called from above me. I recognized this voice. It was the last one I wanted to hear at the moment.

I opened my eyes slightly and was greeted by two big brown eyes featured with some blond stands. I tried to not show my anxiety to him but it was so hard to keep a straight face. I turned to my side and hid my face as best as I could without looking too suspicious. "I'm alright," I finally answered. "Just tired."

It was silent for a few seconds before I heard him sit next to me. I wished he would go away so badly yet, at the same time, I wanted him to hug me and tell me that everything would be alright. "You've been quite tired lately." He sounded oddly serious. He knew something was wrong. "Is there something I can help you with?" he gently asked.

I felt his gaze on my back as he probably tried to read any body language coming from me. I shrugged and held back a sigh. "It's not like you can do anything."

He went silent again. "Does it have anything to do with the paper you're holding tight?"

I jumped and turned quickly, panicked. "Did you read it?"

I was searching in his eyes for an answer. I was so afraid he discovered the truth like that. He backed a bit, his hands in front of him. "I didn't! I just noticed it while I walked to you."

I sighed out of relief. I looked at this sheet in my hand and pondered on my next move. "The truth is.."

I could not hide it forever, especially to him. It was going to completely change our relationship and it would probably ruin everything if I was not going to say it. Everything would probably be ruined anyway. Anything that we started to build even if it was not much was going to fall apart. There was a lot I wanted to tell him, a lot that I wanted to do. All this to...

"I'm moving out."

He looked shocked. His eyes were wide opened. I understood him, I felt the same when I heard it for the first time. Ever since my parents divorced, I knew it would happen.

"My mom is moving to Kyoto for her job and... I have to follow her," I added with a sad grin. I knew it was going to hurt him but it would hurt more if I left without saying anything. "I know it comes to a shock... I wanted to say it sooner but I could not find the courage-"

"When are you leaving?" his voice was shaking. My heart skipped a beat when I heard that. I wanted to break into tears right now but I had to stay strong.

"Next week."

He tightened his fists and glanced away. He seemed in pain and angry at the same time. "Why didn't you tell me before?"

I felt a lump forming in my throat. The guilt was almost too strong for me to handle. I realized the mistake I made. "I just... couldn't find the moment."

I could not find the words. What was I supposed to say anyway? It was not like he would forgive me... I held back a tear and turned around because I could not face him anymore. "I will come to see you! As often as I can!"

My eyes opened wide with shock. I slowly spun my upper body around. I felt a twist inside my stomach as I noticed his determined face. "W-what?" I must have been imagining it. There was no way...

"Kyoto is not that far away! I will come, at least once a month!" he continued as he shifted closer to me. "I... It may sound weird. We're just friends after all. But, if I was honest, I can't imagine parting ways with you. We're really close to each other and," he suddenly stopped talking and looked panicked. "[name]! A-are you alright? Did I say something wrong?"

I touched my cheeks and noticed it was wet. Before I realized it, I started crying. I was just too happy to hold myself back. My tears kept on flooding on my face along with my worries. A huge weight left my body, I felt my strength leaving my body. "I'm just," I tried to talk between sobs, "so relieved. I... thought you would hate me! I thought you wouldn't want to talk to me ever again! I was... so scared..."

I sobbed, again and again, holding my chest tightly. I could not stop myself from crying. I had been in pain for days, even weeks. Hearing those words was just a huge source of support. I did not realize how much I needed that. I felt his arms wrapped around my body. He gave me a tight hug and gently rubbed the back of my head.

"There's no way I would hate you. Because... I love you so much, [name]."

Before I could say anything, he held my chin tenderly and brought me into a kiss. I was drawn into his lips that I forgot where we were. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. His lips were so warm and so soft. It felt so good to be close to him like this. I wished this moment would never end. As we parted, I came back to my senses and we stared into each other eyes. I opened my mouth as I wished to return his feeling but he outran me.

"I-I'm sorry!" he shouted with a red face. "I shouldn't have done something like this without asking you! I'm deeply sorry!" he bowed, his face on the ground with his hands. I could not hold back my laugh when I saw his adorable reaction. He looked at me confused, but it only made it worst. I held my stomach as I tried to calm down.

"S-sorry, Yu~ I can't!" I managed to say. I took a deep breath and faced him again with a smile. "Don't apologize, please." I moved closer to him and extended a hand to his cheek. He blushed once again and I saw him sweating a bit. He seemed really nervous but he tried his best to not freak out. "Because... I love you too, Yu."

I blushed a little as well but kept on smiling. It had been a long time since I felt this happy. We stayed together for a bit longer, catching up on things. Where I saw nothing, now I was seeing a future with him by my side.

I had faced many walls in my life. Never been able to get over them. And here I was again, wondering how was I going to get over this wall. It was the tallest I ever saw to this day. But I was not alone this time. He was here to support me, to help me get over these obstacles.

I can't thank him enough.


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