Valentine's Day - Oikawa Touru

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I could not find the author of this fanart so if you know them let me know! Enjoy!


Oikawa was not feeling so good this morning. He tried to talk to his parents so he could stay home but they would not listen, after all, it was the same thing each year. Oikawa left his house half-heartedly, looking right and left every corner before moving on. As he was getting closer to school, he was slowing down more and more. A sigh escapee his lips when he saw his school from afar. Suddenly, he felt a hand touching his shoulder. He jumped and screamed at the same time while taking a few steps away. When he looked up, he saw you. He sighed out of relief and almost fell to the floor.

"Are you alright?" you asked. You were not sure how to feel in this situation. You watched him staring at every corner for five minutes and you were wondering if you should talk to him. You regretted your choice already.

"[nickname]-chan," he shouted as he took you in his arms. "I don't want to go in there!"

He was really loud and you felt embarrassed to be even close to him. "What's going on?" you said as you tried to not show your irritation.

"It's a scary day, alright?! It's hell for me!"

"'A scary day'?" you wondered as you tried to remember the date. It was the 14th of February. Then, it hit you. It was Valentine's Day.

"I know I'm beautiful and perfect, but it is too much for me to handle! Most girls will just follow me all day to give me presents and others will just stare at me being jealous! I can understand them and all but-"

"Can't he shut up?" you thought, not seeing the end of his monologue. Out of nowhere, you heard Oikawa screamed in pain. When you looked back at him, he was holding his head in pain, crouching on the ground.

"Stop being so annoying first thing in the morning, Trashykawa," a deep voice that you recognized exclaimed.

"Morning, Iwaizumi," you greeted him with a kind smile.

"Yo. Hope he wasn't too much of a pain."

"Well, I'm used to it."

Together, you made your way to school while Iwaizumi was dragging Oikawa in. You could tell he did not really like this day. As soon as you stepped in, some girls came to you and handed some chocolates to the brunette. He thanked them with his usual smile, the one that he gave to everyone he did not care much about.

This day continued like this, Oikawa would open his locker just to find more letters and presents. He tried to keep a stray face but you could tell he was annoyed. He took a large bag out of his school's one and put everything in. You could tell he was way too accustomed to it. Every time he would walk in the corridors or in class, someone would show up to him, either giving something or asking to be alone for a minute. You did not count the number of the declaration he must have refused, but you knew it must have been tiring. And it went without saying that most boys were eyeing him with envy in their eyes. I felt so uncomfortable for him. Often, I would stare back at them to shake them off, hoping it would ease Oikawa's mind. I was pretty sure he did not mind having others being jealous of him, but it could be tiresome at the same time.

Finally, the only moment he was able to rest was during his practice for volleyball. After class, he hurried to the gym to get started. For once, I decided to follow. I did not want to admit it to him but I was worried. I knew he would be alright, it was Oikawa after all, he was not weak. Still, I wanted to watch over him in case he wanted to relax after a long day. It might not seem to be a problem for someone else, I just knew how annoying it must be to be so popular. I stayed at the bench looking at their practice. Oikawa seemed to enjoy himself more than usual. Many times, he would stare at me and wave. I would ignore him and resume my book. I secretly enjoyed the attention he was giving me. I craved for more every time he would not glance in my direction. I had this weird feeling for some time now, but I refused to listen to it.

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