Where am I?

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I felt like I was dead. . . was I dead? I shook my head and moved a little as I felt something on my tail and I also smelled something good. . . I softly opened my eyes and I was . . I was. . . Where was I? I looked up and saw a girl stand and back away. She had white hair and blue eyes, she was tall and dressed in a tight pink shirt with a purple skirt.

"Oh you are awake! I apologize if I awoke you, I was just brushing your tail. . . I am sorry, but it had a lot of mattes."

I sat up and held my head as I looked at her. I grimaced and pulled my tail to me, "W-Where am I," I whispered, my voice not fully back. I hadn't spoken in over five years and when I did make noises in those years, it was only screams. I held my neck and looked down.

"Oh please don't be sad. You are in the Boar Hat. You are safe. We rescued you from the Forest o White Dreams."

My ears immediately perked up, "T-Take me. . ."

"W-Well we can't we are sort of on the move."

I looked at her strangely and I growled as I tried to get up but I was hit with immediate pain to my feet, "AHHHH!"

"Oh no, Please. . . I am sorry your wounds aren't fully healed," as she spoke three gentlemen walked in and I looked to them. One was short with blonde hair and looked a little young, he carried a sword on his back; the second looked like a child with a pillow, his presence was familiar; and then the last one. . . I widened my eyes and my mouth hung open. . .

"I-It's You," I sat on the floor and he towered over me.

"Who me," the Fox pointed to himself as the others looked to him.

"Ban do you know this girl?"

"W-Well no, but I do have to say her aura and power feels familiar."

I looked down, of course he wouldn't know me, I only visited him in spirit. I gave a soft huff. . . He would know me. . . I closed my eyes and I put my hands to my heart.

"W-What is she. . ." He stopped as he saw it. They all did. . . My Fox Spirit. I soon opened my eyes as it ran across the room. I looked to Ban and his Ruby eyes met my Gold ones. He looked at me in awe, "I-It's You. . . The Spirit from Baste. . . You were the spirit that visited me."

I nodded slowly and then looked to my feet, they were bandaged and a little bloody.

"It still hurts huh," I looked back as Ban came close and kneeled to get close to me. I looked away, "there is no need to be shy. We aren't going to harm you and we sure as hell aren't going to let those bastards touch you again. Three of the Four Fangs are Dead."

My ears raised and I looked to him in shock, "D-Dead?"

"Yeah as in they are no longer able to hurt you," He gave a smile and his fangs showed. I gave a small blush. I immediately looked away. How could I think of someone other then Him. . . I felt ashamed.

"I-I have to go back," I whispered once again, "It is my Home. . ."


"The Forest of White Dreams was your home," The one with the Pillow spoke up, "Why were you guarding it?"

"Lost . . . Love. . . Must Protect," I looked down with tears in my eyes.

"Well I feel bad to say but the Forest of White Dreams isn't what it used to be. It is dangerous now. It is now covered in Fog and You can get Lost."

When I heard it was dangerous to return, tears flooded my eyes. My Home? Dangerous? Covered in Fog? It was not like that before, but because I was gone for so long it became dangerous.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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