Meeting the Weasley twins!

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~Delaney's POV~

"Excuse me... Mind if we sit here? Everyother compartment is full" I hear a voice say from the door.

I look up from the muggle book I was reading and see 2 people. Twin boys to be exact.

"Uh... Sure" I say and they come in and sit down.

"Thanks" They say together at the same time.

"Your welcome" I say smiling and I put the book away.

They smile at me. "I'm Fred Weasley. The is George. My twin brother" Fred says as he introduces himself and his brother.

"Nice to meet you both. Im Delaney Black" I say and smile.

"Nice to meet you too" George says.

I smile and the lady with the trolly full of candy walks past.

"Anything from the trolly dears?" The lady says.

"No thanks. Were right" The twins say as the hold up their sandwiches.

I look at then and see they both would really like candy.

"How about you Miss?" She says as she looks at me.

"Yes please! Some licorice wands and chocolate frogs, And can I get enough for 3 please?" I say.

" Of course dear" She says as she passes me the candy and I give her the Galleons.

I close the door after age leaves and look at the boys.

"What are you waiting for? Come on dig in. There's no way I'll be able to eat all this myself" I say eating a licorice wand.

"Really?" George says.

"Yes really!" I say and they start eating some candy.

"So boys... Tell me something about you?" I say looking at them.

"Ok. Our names are George and Fred. We are 15 years old. Were from a big Family. Uh... Our parents are Molly and Arthur Weasley. Siblings names are: Bill, Charlie, Percy, Ron and Ginny. That's about it. Oh and were 4th years at Hogwarts" George says.

" And we like to pull pranks!" Fred adds.

"Now tell us something about you Miss Black" Fred says.

"My names Delaney Lily Black. I'm 15. I'm 4th year at Hogwarts. I'm new at Hogwarts. My dad is Sirius Black. I don't know about my mother. I have no siblings that I know of anyway. And yeah, oh and I like to pull pranks as well!" I say.

"Wow! I can't tell we will be great friends!" Fred says smiling at me.

"I hope so!" I say and I smiles.

I can tell we are gonna be BFF'S, as muggles call it.


2nd chappy!


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