Chapter 82

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I wake to a panic gripping at my chest, I can feel my heart beating wildly in my throat. The logical side of my is telling me I'm fine, that it was just a dream. The other side of me, the side that is having a hard time deciding what is reality and what isn't, throws back the covers of the bed. Next to me, Dylan is still fast asleep, his face buried into the pillows and his arm reaching out for where I just was.

I try to steady my breath as I search through the dresser Dylan had brought in for my clothing and find my jogging clothes. I dress quietly in a pair of leggings and a long sleeve shirt before jogging down the stairs and slip into my running shoes and my light wind breaker. I feel so beyond control right now that the only thing I can think of is to run.

I turn on my running play list and take out the front door. The sun is barely breaking through the trees as I jog down the long gravel driveway and turn down the road as my breath puffs out in a shallow cloud in front of me. I'm not sure where I'm going, I just know that I need to feel some sort of control.

With some pop song filling my ears, I force my legs to keep carrying me further and further down the road. I welcome the burning in my lungs and the acceleration of my heart rate because I'm doing this to myself. I'm pushing myself harder, I forcing my legs to go another mile, control the intake of my breath filling my lungs, I still have some control of my life even if Dylan has taken over the majority of it. 

I jog into town even before the cafe or breakfast diners have flipped their signs, a car passes maybe every ten minutes casting their headlights over the dim sunrise road ahead of me.

By the time I turning down the driveway, my body is drenched in sweat, my lungs are aching now and the sun has finally awoken with me. The lights in Robs house are still all off which is a good sign. I slow my pace and walk the rest of the way to Dylan's apartment.

No lights are on and I'm praying he's still fast asleep when I walk through the front t door. The moment the door catches the lock and matches shut I hear him stir,


His voice is so soft, filled with sleep, he mustn't even know I left.

"Be right up!" I call stripping my sweat covered long sleeve throwing it into the laundry basket in the bathroom and kicking my shoes to the side.

After finishing off some water, I start brewing coffee and head up stairs when Dylan doesn't emerge. The white sheets are wrapped at his waist showing off his sculpted chest and abs that are much more defined than before. His arm is draped over his eyes while the other drapes off the side of the bed. I stop and take in the beautiful man in front of me. From the way his arms are perfectly lean and sculpted to the jagged scar across his chest caused by the man who claims to be a father to him. Everything about his draws me to him, even his need to be in control and act like a caveman when it comes to my well being.

"Your staring." His sleep filled voice pulls me from my trance and I release my bottom lip.

"You caught me..." I smile and walk to him, crawling into him straddling his hips.

He groans gripping my hips and his dark eyes shine up at me, "Your making my morning wood harder."

"Good" I wiggle my hips against his hardening erection.

"Are you not sore anymore?" He questions, "because if you are your a fucking tease."

"I'm still sore..." I lean over his chest kissing the side of his neck.

Instantly, his arms are wrapped around me holding me to his chest, "you smell like a damn gym locker."

I laugh, "probably because I just went on a jog."

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