Chapter 48

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When did this happen?

When did I become this wreck of a girl I use to be?

Have I always been this way?

Just a walking, talking, robot of a girl that goes through the motions of the day so people won't see just how much of a disappointment she is really?

I should of known this would happen, how could it not? My own father sees me as the one source of his pain and agony. I'm the child he wish he never had, just another reminder of what he lose and why. So why should it of been any different with Dylan?

I know why... because I actually care about him and in some twisted way I thought he cared for me too.

"Hello.." fingers snap in front of me and I refocus, "Earth to Skylar! Have you been listening to me at all?" Cher has her hands on her hips and is glaring at me.

"Honestly? No, I stopped listening after you began talking about how sexy your English professor is." I tell her honestly as I grab a pre-made turkey wrap, "It was a long day at the cafe and my brain is just not thinking anymore."

Cher and I are grabbing dinner down at the dorm's cafe because neither of us had a good day. Apparently her English professor threatened to fail her and she is now panicking. This will be her fourth course she failed.

"Or your still in your Dylan funk." she murmurs fixing her tea as I pour a cup of coffee.

I simply shrug because she's right. I haven't been right in the head for... well since I've met Dylan and it's gotten to the point that I feel I'll never be again. Especially if he stays in my life.

"Anyways, continue your story. I promise to listen to you this time." I give her a toothy smile as we take a seat towards the back of the cafe.

"Ok, well I will have to start from the beginning because I have no idea where you stopped listening," she narrows her dark eyes at me, "Ok, so my English professor kept me after class today and at first I thought he was going to hit on me because..."

I swear she can talk for hours if she was allowed too. She can't figure out what to do with her life, she continuously changes her major. I think she should go into some career where you get paid to talk. Maybe a motivational speaker or something.

I nod when I'm suppose too, say things to support her crazy thinking and pretend that I'm interested. I'm too tired and emotional to focus. Work was long this morning, first when I opened the drawer was ten dollars under what it should of been, then our shipment was three hours late, then to top it off Erica was late for her shift so I was alone for lunch hour rush and spilled at least four coffees all over myself. Needless to say, my head is not in the right place.

What had I done wrong?

Maybe I should of told him no that night. I was to easy for him, I gave in too quickly.

I was naive and foolish for ever thinking we could make this work.

"Hello ladies..."

I cue back into the conversation just as I see Logan take a seat in the stool next to Cher, my heart quickly races and my stomach drops as Dylan slowly strides up towards the table, his hands deep in his pocket and his eyes trained elsewhere but on me. God, he still takes my breath away, he walks with such strength and confidence it's like he demands attention, and he has my full attention.

"Logan how nice of you to join us." Cher focuses a smile, sounding less than thrilled.

What's going on with those two? They' usually can't keep their hands to themselves.

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