Case 13: Balls to the Wall Part 2

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I was awakened by the throbbing in my head. I reluctantly peeled my eyes open and promptly closed them when everything was out of focus and bright like an overexposed photograph. Thinking back to the last thing I remembered had me confused. Did I really have a vision without touching a person? That was strange. It was different... more unusual than normal. And truthfully it frightened me a little bit. Until now my visions had always been something that I could manage pretty easily. After I figured out how to control them, that is...

What I had seen when I passed out, it had been intense. I now knew exactly what we had to do to get these people to safety. That is... if they're still alive. I didn't know how current what I saw was after all. My mind replayed the vision again.

"What the hell?" I sighed still with my eyes closed.

"That's exactly what I'd like to know," a slightly amused voice called out.

My eyes popped open in alarm. I didn't realize anyone was with me and nearly rolled off of the couch. "Why are you here?" I asked Ezriah who was sitting at my kitchen table with his legs crossed. Right at home, I see.

"Is that any way to treat the guy who carried you back here after you fainted?" the last three words were said mockingly.

"I passed out," I argued. Fainting sounded so weak in comparison.

Ezi shrugged, "Tomayto, tomahto." He had a wicked grin on his face that told me he wasn't going to forget about this little incident easily.

He was gonna lord this over my head for a while, I could tell. Was it too late to cut ties with him? I looked over at his smirking face and felt my heart skip a beat.  Oh man, why didn't I just fuck him and drop him like normal?  I hadn't even done anything with him yet, and I felt like I was in too deep emotionally. 

"But seriously, what the hell happened there, Dominick?" His playfulness was gone and I was amazed at his ability to get down to business and be serious, a far cry from his usual flirty self, at the drop of a hat.

I moved to a sitting position and rubbed a hand on the back of my neck. How do I explain this? Because I did feel like I owed him one hell of an explanation. I took a deep breath in and then let it out. Guess this was just going to be a leap of faith on my end. I wasn't ready for the reaction this might get but time was of the essence, or something like that. Hopefully my admission would be like ripping off a band-aid. Side note: that's actually a bad analogy for me because I'm kind of allergic to them. They stick so well to my skin that the adhesive adheres permanently and rips off all of the skin it touches. That long winded explanation is why I usually just tell people I'm allergic to them.

I looked Ezriah in the eyes trying to show him that I was dead serious with what I was about to say, "I know what we have to do. I know where the hostages are, or were."

He looked at me skeptically, "How can you possibly know that?"

This was it just rip it off and hope for the best,"Ihavevisions," I said in a rush.

"What? I didn't quite get that," Ezriah admitted with the barest hint of a chuckle.

Why was he so difficult? "I have visions," I closed my eyes tightly not wanting to see the reaction to my statement on his face. In his eyes. What if I could see hate there? Or worse still, what if there was fear there? Fear and loathing?

He took a few steps and I imagined him heading for the door. Imagine my surprise when a warm hand was placed on top of my head. I opened my eyes and looked up at him hopefully. He looked down at me and asked, "What do we have to do?"

The smile on my face must have let him know that he had said the right thing.

Ezriah held up his hands to stop my talking before I had even begun. "Don't think this conversation is over. We're finishing up this investigation and then I'm going to ask you more about these visions, as you call them."

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