𝐢. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞

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[ i

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[ i. the one with the runaway bride ]

september 24th, 1994


THE CENTRAL PERK COFFEE house was a bustling, explosive mess of rambling voices and every single one of them seemed to be flooding into Sabrina Munoz's perked ears as she carefully set her partially graded papers aside and exchanged them for a cold, cookie dough breve. With one sip, the caffeine was spiking back into the young woman's system as she lifted her head up to the heated discussion that was playing out amongst her small group of friends.

"There's nothing to tell . . . It's just some guy I work with."

Monica Geller let her hands drop to her lap distastefully, but her burning cheeks told Sabrina an entirely different story. Though she was not exactly sure what her friends were talking about—as she only had an hour to complete her grading before she had to get back to the school and her afternoons were certainly busy enough without added gossip—she gathered that there was boy trouble in her life once again. Sabrina could almost relate.

And the 'almost' was not something she was particularly wanting to think about today.

"Come on," Joey Tribbiani whined. He was currently sitting on the arm of the orange couch that three of the friends were sitting on, his knees pressed against Sabrina's arm and his lap holding the finished papers from her graded folder. "You're going out with the guy, there's got to be something wrong with him!"

On the opposite end of the couch, Joey's friend and roommate, Chandler Bing, immediately came to his aid, prodding Monica for more details on the mysterious man. "So, does he have a hump?" He questioned. "A hump and a hairpiece?"

"What's a hairpiece matter?" Sabrina wondered, tossing in her own two cents to the table.

Joey nudged her. "What? Does Brad got one?" He snickered.

"No!" Sabrina exclaimed, nearly choking on her coffee. "No, he most definitely does not have—"

"Wait, wait," Phoebe Buffay interrupted, cutting Sabrina off from where she sat in an opposing armchair from the couch. "Does he eat chalk?"

"Who?" Chandler chuckled, unable to let the opportunity to make a joke slide. "Mystery man or Brad?"

Sabrina glowered at him over the rim of her deep blue coffee cup. "Yes, yes, Chandler. Bradley eats chalk. And I eat cement," She announced, sarcasm dripping from her tone. "And when we kiss, we make a very, very pretty picture."

Before Chandler or Joey could gang up on her, Monica was quick to break the growing tension that revolved around Sabrina. Of the many tightly knit friends, Monica was the only one who knew the deeper reasoning beneath Sabrina's uneasiness and high stress levels. Well, she thought she knew the main reason. Sabrina had not told Monica everything that was going on, but Monica knew better than to press the girl. Monica was just lucky enough to be considered Sabrina's closest friend; close enough that the usually optimistic and wild girl felt safe enough to let down her crumbling walls.

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