Page.1          The letter

I was just sitting under the apple Tree
doing nothing just watching the birds flying around when I saw an owl land next to me he dropped something on the ground I pick it up it was a letter & was
address to me.

I looked back at the white owl & pet it & said thank you & it fly off

I ran in side mum...mum I called I ran in the kitchen & found mum making dinner

Yes Winifred mum said

Mum it came my letter for the wizard school I yelled

Hush Winifred do you want the neighbors to here Mum said

I ran over to the couch & sat down mum sat down to

It said on the front in black ink  HOGWARTS SCHOOL
Miss Winifred  Snow I got super excited I open it & took the letter out & it red

Dear: Miss Snow

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Give it here I gave it to mum just than dad come in the house I ran up to him dad I got in to HOGWARTS I squeal & I was up in the air like really i was floating in the air.

Honey come down dad said

I floated  back down & landed on the couch dad sat down mum gave dad the letter.

Well uh honey where do you get this stuff dad ask confused

I shrug my shoulders I didn't no i said i wish I new I thought Just than the door bell rung I skipped to the door & open it standing in front of me was a girl who look like 17 she came in I shut the door

Hi I said

She looked at me hello girl are you Winifred Snow she Ask

Yes but how..i was cut off she pulled out her wand

What are you doing here dad ask his voice cracking

I am not going to hurt you Mr.Snow I came to take Winifred here to Diagon Alley it's in the wizarding world she said with a smile

I squealed & ran over to dad & mum can I go please mum i need to get my school stuff o please I wined

Yes but we are coming with you mum said Muggle's can't go to the wizarding world the girl said

What then she is not going dad said

Oh please....please I said giving him my puppy face

he let out a sigh fine you can go with uh.. Olive Bryson the girl said

Just let me get my jacket & my hand bag i ran up to my room put my jacket on me & grabbing my black hand bag & ran back down. ok I'm ready wait I skipped over to dad.

I need money I said sweetly

Oh right uh.. he pulled out his wallet & handed me a 100 dollar bill thanks dad & mum see you later I said

I Walk over to Olive she took a hold of my hand & the next thing I no we were in a dark Alley but I could here people

She pulled me in the light I looked a round at all the people & at all of the shops to as we walked I saw people were selling robes, shops selling telescopes and strange silver instruments I had never seen before, windows stacked with barrels of bat spleens and eels' eyes, tottering piles of spell books, quills, and rolls of parchment, potion bottles, globes of the moon...."


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