
Drake's pov

Me and mum gotten home mum said go to my room so I did as I was told I shut my door and layed on my bed. thinking of my sweet girlfriend. I wonder  what shes doing? I close my eyes

That evening we had dinner it was me ,and aunt Bellatrix, mum and dad and dad told me that the Dark Lord is  coming here to make me a death eater tonight I went pale, paler than I already was.

Come..Come....mum said I stood up and walked to the sitting room and the house elf set the tea and cookies down on the table we were waiting for the Dark Lord to arrive my aunt Bellatrix was fixing her make up she and the Dark Lord have a thing. and then there was a bright flash of green light that came from the fireplace. When Voldemort came out of the flames, it seemed in slow motion to me First there was his face, slick and snake-like, barely human.

We got down on are knees in bows to Voldemort He glanced up to see Voldemort looking around the room. After a minute he said you may rise

So we did and we stood Voldemort glanced at Bellatrix she giggled like a school girl. gross

Lucius you have a nice home Voldemort said

Thank you my Lord and thank you for coming dad said

He nodded his head and spoke to my mum Narcissa you are looking lovelyer then ever I saw mum blush a little thank you my Lord and he walk over to Bellatrix he touch her face my hot Trixie he gave her a kiss and they ended up snogging bloody gross.he pulled away and whispered in her ear.

He made a move toward me and stopped in front of me "Name, boy?"he ask

It's  Drake my Lord I answered

Ah.... Yes young Drake your mother and father speak highly of you and tell me Drake do you have a girlfriend?
I wanted to said on i want him to no about Winny but I can't lie to the Voldemort

Yes I answered a small smirk traced Voldemort's lips I bet shes a beautiful young witch well than'' We have this meeting to make Drake here a death eater.

I got on my knees now hold out your left arm I rolled up my sleeve and I held out my left arm,he placed his wand on my forearm, I bit my lip to make sure I didn't hiss That doesn't stop it from hurting. It burns my skin where a tattoo of a snake crawls out of Voldemort's wand and onto my pale flesh. It slithers around a bit then transforms into a skull and the snake slides out of the mouth. When it finally settles the pain dulls but there is a throbbing pain  but I didn't scream.

Rise Drake I did as I was told "Well done, Drake  Now I can tell you your mission." he says commandingly, "Everyone leave for a while. When I need you again, you will know."They file out of the roomI begin feeling a little nervous.  but I put on a calm face as my Lord begins.

'' Now, Drake you have a job to do. It's a
two part job, very simple. I want you to  fix the Vanishing Cabinet ok I can do that I thought

And..murder Albus Dumbledore, your headmaster."

I was shocked kill Albus Dumbledore?
my shocked must show on my face and it seems to amuse Voldemort who laughs and says,

"You will Kill Dumbledore If you do not accomplish this small task... I'm afraid I'm afraid
I will have to kill your dirty little mud blood girlfriend My eyes go wide how dose he no about Winifred I want to kill him right there

Voldemort continues,

Whats her name ah yes Winifred Autumn Snow she seem's like a lovely girl from what I got from your thought's she's love you so much  it really a shame if she had to die

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