
The next day I got up got ready me and walked dawn to breakfast and we sat down and we started to eat I notice Dumbledore was not in his seat in front of every one like he is usually but a grotesque monstrous thing was in his seat

Hem-Hem kids Thanks to the newly passed Educational Decree Number Twenty-Eight,I Dolores Umbridge will be
replacing Dumbledore as Headmistress she said in her bloody high-pitched voice

she has to be freaken kidding right i roll my eyes no one clapped or did any thing
Well that's all now go to your class she Ordered

The next couple of months was hell she took over the school

Like now the girl's dorm's are pink every thing is pink even the girls uniform's are pink and the boy's uniform's are pink to
I am surprised that she has not had us dyed are hair bloody pink. I like pink but this is way to much pink.

I was had it with all her Ridiculous rules like girls can't were make up and a lot more Ridiculous rules we were all sick of it and of her Gabriel and Gilbert & I pulled pranks on her she got pretty pissed.

Like today I was righting notes in her class.

Winifred give it here Umbridge Ordered me she stand right by are table so I handed her the note and she opened it and pink dust blue up in her face I Bursted out in giggles and soon every one was laughing.

She glared at me that is enough stop laughing all of you now the monstrous thing Demanded that was Umbridge

A few moments every one stopped you little snotty brat I am sick of you not following my rules Umbridge yelled in my face I stood up and yelled back why would I follow these Ridiculous brainless rules of your's

I am your Headmistress and you will follow my rules Winifred She Screeched in her ugly voice I rolled my eyes

Well that maybe but your not and I don't have to listen to you and your not a mistress your more like a ugly hideous
toad with Bloody revolting close I stated
with a sweet smile on my face the class Bursted out laughing she was so pissed

You filthy little girl how dare you speak to me like that you need to respect me she shouted

Whatever no one here respects you no one likes you we all hate you....you bloody stupid daft cow I shouted Lottie grabbed my arm and than she Slapped me it echoed in the room I herd gasp-
comeing for kids now Winifred sit down and shut your little mouth

Umbridge just slapped me I slapped her back. You filthy little mud - blood

she simply raised her wand at me and shouted '' Sectumsempra''

I was too quick I shouted "Protego!" A shield erupted in front of Me and Lottie The blue jet of light from the curse rebounded and hit her She stumbled backwards in an almost comic way. 'Crack!' Umbridge's head had hit the steps and she passed out.

At that moment Professor McGonagall appeared I put my wand away and sat down.

What happen to Professor Umbridge
Professor McGonagall ask us her mouth in a very thin line

She looked at me Winifred do you no what happen to Professor Umbridge I tryed not to giggled or smile Professor McGonagall me

No I have no idea what happen to her i all no is that she just passed out. I said sweetly Lottie slapped my leg lightly i looked at her and shagged my shoulders

Well if no one no's what happen I will take her to the Hospital Wing and explain the situation to Madam Pomfrey McGonagall said and with a wave of her wand had Umbridge on a stretcher on her way to the infirmary.

After class we all ate and me and luna were in bed with are boyfriends. the light was off Drake and I were snogging under the covers. I pulled away for air he touch my cheek were Umbridge had slapped me so hard that it left a red mark

Does it hurt still Winney Drake ask in a whisper

I shook my head no he pressed a kiss to my forehead. and whispered I love you Winney so much I smiled and said I love you two I kissed his chest and cuddled more in to him.

Drake's pov

I was stroking her hair I want to kill that revolting fat cow Umbridge for slapping Winifred and for what she called her. I had to control myself not to rush down to the Hospital Wing and just kill Umbridge.

I was brought out of my thought's by Winny she was kissing my chest then she straddle my waist and took off her top she was wearing a lacy sexy Purple bra oh bloody hell. she kissed my neck
I can fill my self getting hard. she was kissing down my chest she got to my pant line she was going to took my pants off

Winny she stopped and looked at me
wait I whispered

Why she whispered she Looked kind of disappointed I pulled her back up and she sat beside me.

What is it don't you want me I want you oh is it because I am a virgin is that why you don't want to have sex with me she was crying now i kissed her a pulled away....no of course not I love that your a virgin it just that Luna and Loki are sleeping right there.

That's the resign really she ask

Yes of course that is silly girl I love you so much

I love you and I want you to be my first and my only she said as she kissed me

She smiled come here she laid back down
I pull her closer to me and kissed her forehead.

When she ask soon princess soon I say

We both when't to sleep.

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