Chapter 3:The Entrance

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Asia:Let me take a look at your injury

Arceus: O-Okay

Asia kneels down to Arceus's height and examines his injury

Asia: Nothing's fractured, so it will be okay

Asia puts her hands over Arceus's legs and then a her hands
started shining a green light

In just a few seconds the injury was healed

Asia: Can you stand up?

Arceus stood up slowly and started bending his legs,and even jumping

Arceus: Wow, my legs are completely healed. Thank you Asia

Asia: No,no the pleasure was all mine. I know this is selfish of me, but can you show me the way to the church

Arceus: Sorry Asia, but I got to work...


Arceus: But my brother can walk you their

Acacius: I wouldn't mind

Arceus:Oh thank you?

Arceus: My name's Arceus and that is my brother Acacius. Well then I better  head home, see you guys

Asia waves back to Arceus as he  leaves and then looks at right back at Acacius

Asia: Well then shall we go

Acacius: Oh then I'll lead the way

On the way to church Acacius and Asia held a conversation

Until Asia slipped over her own rob

Acacius: Asia are you okay?!

But then Acacius tripped over Asia's rob as well and landed on her doggy style pose

Acacius: Sorry

Asia: It's okay. I'm such a klutz

???:Are you okay. I saw this molester trying to force himself on you

Acacius: Are you accusing me of molesting you darn bastard!

Asia: I'm sorry, but it was all my fault. I tripped over my own clothes and he wanted to help, but the he also tripped over and fell on top of me

???:But it didn't look like that from my point of view

Acacius: Of course, not from a perverts point of view

???:Hey! Who's a pervert?

Asia:Can you guys cut it out. Acacius was here escorting me to the Church

???:Then I'll escort you as well

Asia:Thank you!

Acacius and the other guy escorts Asia Agento to the Church, but for some unknown reason the guy stopped. He was holding his arm tightly like it was in pain. And Acacius noticed this

???:Sorry guys but I still have to go to school. This is as far as I can go. See ya!

The guy runs off. While Asia looked at him in confusion

Asia: You can also head home. This is far enough. Thank you for your help

Acacius: Then farewell Asia

Acacius and Asia waved their goodbyes to each other and parted ways

Acacius: That guy, when he saw the church he just twitched in pain, maybe my minds playing games on me



Acacius: Hey Evangeline did my brother leave already?

Evangeline: Yes Acacius-sama. He left quit a while ago

Acacius: Then I'll get ready for school. Can you bring my uniform here please

Evangeline: Will do master

Evangeline brought the school uniform to Acacius and he got dressed

Acacius: Well then off to school

Evangeline: Wait master hers your lunch box

Acacius: Thank you



Acacius: I'm pretty sure you haven't need to escort me to school Evangeline

Evangeline: Sorry for the late announcement. As you can see I'm also attending Kuoh Academy

Acacius: How did you get in?

Evangeline: Your brother did stuff "here and there"

Acacius: I forgot to ask him but maybe you can tell me what job he does?

Evangeline: Still unknown to me

Acacius: Look theirs the school

Evangeline: Well then let's go


Girl1:Is that a real life maid, she looks so beautiful and so does that sexy guy next to her

Girl2:He looks so dreamy

Boy1:Another Kiba?

Boy2: Damn now all the babes ate going to him

Evangeline: Looks like we make quit the couple

Acacius: That we certainly do

Arceus: Oh hey there, you've arrived

Girls:Its Arceus senpai

"So Dreamy"

Acacius: Wow you've got quit the crowd huh

Boy2: Don't they look similar

Boy3:Yeah...maybe they're brothers

Arceus: Welcome to Kuoh Academy my Brother and his lovely Wife!!!!!!!!


Boy: I wish my girlfriend could dress as a maid


Arceus:I'll escort you to your classroom

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