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THE next day I'm looking at the pool through the fingers of one hand. I don't see anything weird floating on the surface, but I think I'll wait until Carlos comes to give it a thorough once-over before going for a swim.

I sit on the end of the chaise and fall under the hypnotic spell of the waterfall cascading into the pool while I daydream about Harry.

After he decided I was too dangerous to have alone in his room (holymolyholymoly) we took my skates to the pier and he proceeded to hold my hands while walking backwards so he could guide me around, making me squeal when he'd run too fast and let go. At one point, he put his arm around my waist and we do-si-doed to the music coming from the speakers, and I finally had my roller-skating date fantasy fulfilled minus the mirrored disco ball hanging overhead.

The hundreds of Harry-induced twinkling stars in my eyes sufficed.

He led me to the railing where we ate ice cream, my chocolate running down my hand in usual Anna spaz fashion while he kept his pistachio nice and neat.

"So, they're premiering the films on Friday night. There's a cocktail hour and everything." I was mid-lick when he continued, asking me maybe the most exciting question I'd ever been asked. "I thought you might want to go with me?"

My eyes went wide. "The premiere is a really big deal," I said, giddy with the idea he wanted to share it with me.

"It is. I'm a little nervous, I thought it might be nice to have someone there that's seen it so at least one person will clap."


"Don't worry. I'll be your planted fan for the night. I'll be the one with the stellar wolf-whistle."

He flicked his hair out of his eyes and smirked. "Anna, I'd want you to go whether you'd seen it or not. I just want you there. With me." He took another lick of his cone and threw it in the can. "I unfortunately have to sit with my partners, but my folks and yours will be there so you can sit with them. I'll pick you up at seven."

I fidgeted nervously with the napkin holding my melting cone. "I can get a ride with my parents."

"Is that what you want? Are we still hiding the fact we're… hanging out?"

"I was just trying to make it easier for you if you have to go early, but yeah," I said, nodding my head and taking a deep breath. "I want you to pick me up."

He grabbed my hand and started wheeling me along to the strains of Donna Summer. "Good. Because I wasn't going to have it any other way."

I'm broken from my memories and scrutiny of the Playboy grotto when I hear shouting coming from the kitchen. I've heard Rosalie and Lori have disagreements, but there is no mistaking what's going on right now. This is a blowout.

I'm torn between wanting to let them have privacy and squishing my nose up against the screen to get a front-row view.

Front-row view wins and I sidle up to the house, not peeking in but getting better volume control as I stand by the side of the screen.

"I am an adult, stop treating me like a child," Rosalie spits out at Lori and I'm a little taken aback by how venomous she sounds.

"Nineteen is barely an adult, young lady. You live under my roof, you live by my rules."

"You're seriously going to try to be my mother now? Now? Where were you when you drove dad away, and I had no one but a parent that cried all day? Where were you when I'd have to watch you get slapped around by that asshole you married after that?"

I can hear Lori take a deep, pained breath. "Your father left us both, you know. I didn't choose for him to have an affair. Where's he been, anyway? Hmm?" Her voice gets softer, almost belittled. "I know I've made mistakes, Rosalie, but I've always done my best to protect you. As for Tony, I got us out of there as soon as I could."

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