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FRAN'S mother holds her glare through the screen. She looks like she's been crying for hours, her usually neat helmet hairdo is a mess and she's dressed in a housecoat, something she'd never wear in front of company.

"Mrs. Brandon, we haven't seen her in a few days, that's why we came by," Aimee says calmly for someone that just got accused of wrongdoing.

Fran's mother says nothing, then visibly crumples. She pushes the door open and asks us to come in, the smell of moldy church hitting my nose again, way too soon. As the clock ticks loudly, we sit on the plastic-covered floral sofa, and she sits in the matching chair across.

She holds out the paper and Aimee reaches for it. We huddle together, reading the note on the rainbow stationery proving that yes, in fact, Fran has flown the coop.

It's all there. The love story of Fran and her teacher, the pregnancy, how he's over the moon excited and they're going to get married. She's sorry to have let her parents down, but she's so, so happy and hopes that one day, they will forgive her. She pleads for them not to be angry with Kirk, that they are both adults and know they can't live without each other. She ends it by saying Kirk has already given notice to the school board, and she'll get in touch with them as soon as she's settled in her new life.

She doesn't mention me or Aimee. Not a 'tell them goodbye' or anything. My eyes sting with confusion.

I look at Mrs. Brandon and try not to focus on the huge cross attached to the wall above her, which makes me feel like a sinner even though I haven't done anything. I guess I sort of understand a little why Fran felt the need to find a way out of this oppressive environment, even if it hurts me she did so without telling us.

"Did you know she was dating her teacher?" The despair in her voice makes my heart hurt, and I'm torn between easing her pain and shedding my own hot tears at the fact she just up and left Aimee and I as well. "You girls must've known something."

"I'm sorry, we didn't know she was planning on leaving," Aimee says, which isn't a lie but doesn't expand on what we did know.

"She has another year of high school left. She was going to join our church's youth ministry program after."

My eyes widen and Aimee and I exchange a look. That's news to us. "It doesn't seem to be what she wanted," I say as politely as possible, still loyal to my friendship with Fran even if she isn't.

"Of course it is, what else would she want to do?" Her question comes out sharply. "The church is a big part of her life. She wants to serve God and help all of his disciples. She's been surrounded by sin," she sobs and waves her Bible in our direction. "Beaches with people barely dressed, a non-parish job surrounded by it all..."

Before I can formulate a thought, she gets up. "Where are my manners? I'll get you girls some tea. Pardon me for my rudeness ... isn't very Christian of me ... " she trails off and makes her way to the kitchen.

Aimee and I look at each other once she's out of view. There are so many statues and pictures of holy people I'm almost afraid to whisper in here.

"I can't sit here anymore," I say, my voice a mix of anger and melancholy that ghosts through the pious room.

"Can we just leave before tea?"

"We don't owe anyone anything. Not here." I get up and Aimee follows immediately. I feel sort of bad and sort of not, so I call out to Mrs. Brandon that we have to go, and we'll let her know if we hear from Fran.

I barge out the door, letting the screen door fly and Aimee runs to catch up. I'm in the car with the door slammed shut before she's even made it past the front end.

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