Chapter 4

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A/N: Final chapter. Short story, but a bit more work than some.


Sam and Cedric were pouring over books strewn across his sturdy table, looking for any mention of Earth or interdimensional travel.

"Ugh. Nothing," Sam said in frustration.

"As I feared. Yes, I've read every book here, but thought I may have forgotten something from long ago," Cedric replied.

He noticed Sam's tired expression. Using his wand, made a tea set for two and a small plate of fly cakes appear out of thin air on the table. The cakes were small cylindrical treats, with no trace of actual flies. Sam's eyes went wide at the sight of magic.


Cedric chuckled. "A minor spell, but useful. I made the tea only warm, not hot." He gestured to the spread. "Help yourself. You likely haven't had anything for a while."

He poured two cups, and she took a cake.

"Thank you," Sam said happily.

She waited until Cedric made a move to eat or drink first. He paused, thinking over the reason for her waiting.

"Sorry," Sam said. "I trust you, but need to be sure. I've been betrayed by people who I knew for even longer and was close to. I've got to be careful," she added.

Cedric looked sad at this, but sipped his tea, then munched on a cake.

"I completely understand," he replied. "It's a shame someone would do that to you."

Sam nodded, sipped heartily from her cup, then tried the cake.

"Delicious," she enthused once finished.

"Indeed," replied Cedric, content she was in better spirits.

"Magic is very rare in my world," Sam said, looking off in thought. "The few times I've seen it were fighting villains using it against me and my friends."

She shuddered, disliking the thought of supernatural problems.

"But how could you fight against magic?" he asked, perplexed. " I was glad to have taught Sofia."

Sam smiled. "I fight with physical and mental skill, and technology," Sam said, attempting a humble tone. "Don't know any magic, but- you said Sofia does?"

"Yes, she's become powerful since she started as a little girl." he said in a pleased tone.

He thought for a moment.

"If magic works in your realm, perhaps she can use it to help solve this mess we're in!" Cedric enthused.

Sam looked at him in hope.


The three superspies gathered around the renowned princess.

Sofia had her wand with her, thankfully, and tested out simply making a pen levitate.

That alone caused the others to be speechless in awe.

"Okay, I used a minor spell so I wouldn't get tired," Sofia said hopefully. "I feel so little magic in this world, and almost none of it is good." She frowned slightly.

"Yeah," Alex agreed.

"If this machine's different from before the accident, maybe Fixitus Uptis will work," said Sofia.

"As in 'fix it up'? Sounds promising," Dean said.

"Or I could use a blast of power to recreate the surge you mentioned. But..." Sofia trailed off in thought.

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