Finding Her

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Leilani Potter woke up to her daughter crying and wailing, making her leap out of her bed and rush towards her daughter. She began to shush her and rock her as she began to change her. Rosabelle then quieted down and then opened her mouth. "Mama!" she squealed pointing at Leilani.

Leilani's eyes widened and began to water as Rosabelle began to chant 'mama' over and over while clapping her little chubby hands. Leilani placed Rosabelle into her crib and rushed to her cabinet were she took out a mirror that Draco gave to her incase she needed to speak to him.

Pressing to gold button several times Draco finally answers. "What is it!?" he asked panicked clearly thinking there was danger. "Draco come over quick! Rosie! She-" but she got cut off by Draco ending to call by throwing to mirror. He had already dived out the door.

Over the past few month, Draco and Rosabelle bonded almost like father and daughter. It was like they had a twin bond: Rosabelle couldn't last long without Draco and whenever there was storm she wouldn't stop crying unless Draco would come and play with her. And with Draco every now and then checked on them to make sure they were ok. Both Leilani and Draco knew that Rosabelle would soon see Draco like an father or a uncle.

At the Malfoy Manor:

Draco dived through the door terrified that something has happened to his daughter in everything but blood and his sister in everything but blood. As he was running down the stairs he paused and called for a house elf to bring him a shirt since he was shirt less.

Once he had his shirt on, he rushed to the family living room. Yet, when he was about to run into the fire place a hand stoped him. It was the dark lord. "Shit..." said Draco as he saw his Mother, Father and the dark lord looking at him.

"Where do you think you are going young man?" asked Narcissa rasing her brow.

Draco swallowed knowing he couldn't lie not to his mother, it might has been Narcissa Malfoy's mother instincts but no matter what she knew when Draco lied. Draco sighed giving up and told them. The dark lord glared at Draco and said "take me with you." Draco knowing must obey the dark lord flood to Leilani's house.

Tom raised his brow as he followed the blond up the stairs to a door which was thrown open "Rosie!" Draco shouted making the dark lord raise his brow. Who the hell is Rosie?

He stared as Leilani walked in with a child on her hip. Draco immediately snatched the baby girl from his Leilani's arms and began to check over the baby. "Oh Drake, she's fine, it's that well Rosie... she said her first word!" squealed Leilani. Draco gran as he spun 'Rosie' in his arms.

"My little belle! What did you say?" Draco said happiness practically dripping from every letter. The child in reply said:

Tom watched the scene in envy. "Draco, what is the meaning of this?" he finally asked breaking up the the little moment. "My lord-" Draco began but he was cut off "You mean to tell me that you have produced an heir with Potter?" he hissed making Leilani look at him with wide eyes.

She then scoffed. "You wish," she said as she took the baby girl from Draco back into her arms and walked towards him. While she was doing that Draco called for a house elf and asked for popcorn which he got.

Now that Leilani was right next to Tom their height difference was easily spotted, Leilani being 5'2'' barley reaching the mans shoulders while Tom being 6'2''. Leilani looked up wincing slightly as she heard Draco laughing at the fact the she had to look up for her to look Tom dead in the eyes.

Narrowing her eyes Leilani told tom in a flat tone: "Tom meet your 1 month old daughter, Rosabelle Freya Riddle."

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