Chapter 1

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"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highrock!" yowled Seastar, the leader of RiverClan. 

Seastar beckoned a she-kit, Rowankit forward, as well as a tom named Snakestrike.

Seastar turned to Rowankit. "Rowankit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Rowanpaw. Your mentor will be Snakestrike. I hope Snakestrike will pass down all he knows on to you."
Then Seastar turned to Snakestrike. "Snakestrike, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Applebloom, and you have shown yourself to be loyal and courageous. You will be the mentor of Rowanpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Roawnpaw." 

Once Seastar was finished with the ceremony speech, Snakestrike strolled over to Rowanpaw and touched noses with his new apprentice. 


As Rowanpaw and Snakestrike headed out of the camp to start her training, Mosskit pouted. "I want to start my warrior training mother!" Bluefur smiled at Mosskit. "Patience my kit, you have three more moons. The same amount of time as your sister and brother." Mosskit huffed and went over to Mistykit and Stonekit. 
"Lets go on an adventure!" Mistykit mewed to her siblings. Stonekit jumped up eager to get out of the camp and explore, but Mosskit pawed at the ground, unsure. "Mother will worry if she can not find us!" Mistykit and Stonekit grumbled. "We'll be fine! If you don't want to go, cover us then!" Stonekit told his younger sister. Mosskit did not join them, and she did not cover for them, for she was not their slave.  

As the two kits traveled through the forest, they didn't sense a cat behind them, stalking them. A ShadowClan cat. When the kits stopped to play with a leaf that fluttered down from the trees, Wrenflight took his chance. He and another ShadowClan cats roughly snatched up the kits by their scruffs and ran away from the RiverClan border, into ShadowClans territory.

The two kits squealed at the top of their lungs, but it was no use. None of the RiverClan cats could hear them. They were hostages of ShadowClan, never to see RiverClan again. 
Mistykit, and Stonekit mewed crying in the corner of the nursery that they were taken to, being placed in the care of Mapletail, a new ShadowClan queen, who had two kits of her own, Twistedkit, a black tom with a dud paw, and Rocketkit, a golden tabby tom. Mapletail sighed and beckoned the kits over. "Come over now, there is no reason to cry, you are ShadowClan cats now." the queen said gently, kinder than the most of the cats in the camp. The two kits shuffled over and settled down next to Twistedkit and Rocketkit, and slept for the rest of the day.  

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