Chapter 2

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It had been a moon since the disappearance of Mistykit and Stonekit. Mosskit had thought her mother would be mad at her, not love her, since she did not try to stop them from going out of the safety of the camp. But Bluefur only grew closer to her single kit. "Mosskit, for the last time, I am not angry with you, I know it was not your fault. I am just grateful that you did not join them, for then I would not have any kits left. Seastar and Thrushfeather sent out another patrol yesterday." 
Bluefur sighed heavily. When her kits had gone missing, Bluefur came out on the very first search patrol, and the territory had reeked of ShadowClan. If ShadowClan had stolen her kits, there was a slim chance of getting them back. Even so, Bluefur sent prayers to StarClan every day to ask her ancestors to watch over and protect her kits. Bluefur looked at Mosskit, playing with an apprentice, Redpaw. She smiled at the sight, as Mosskit and Redpaw had grown close in the recent moon. And soon, Mosskit would have her apprentice ceremony, and join Redpaw in the Apprentice Den. Bluefur hoped with all her heart that her other two kits would return to RiverClan before those two moons. 


Deadstar, the leader of ShadowClan called Mistykit and Stonekit forward, but they were no longer called Mistykit and Stonekit. For when Mapletail knew they would not try to escape ShadowClan, she renamed them, claiming them as her own kits. Mistykit was renamed to Vinekit, for the long vines that grew around ShadowClan territory, and Stonekit, had been renamed to Smokekit, for his fur resembled the smoke in the sky after a fire. 
They were about to become apprentices, but it was early. They were only four moons old. Mapletail explained to them that ShadowClan trained their kits two months early, so they would have more time, to become a better warrior. Vinekit and Smokekit were still getting used to the Clan, as ShadowClan did not follow the warrior code, but at the same time, they were interested to see how Deadstar made them apprentices. 

"Vinekit has reached the age of four moons, and is ready to become an apprentice. She shall be mentored by Wildflight. You shall be known as Vinepaw." Deadstar announced to the cats who had bothered to gather around. 
"Smokekit has also reached the age of four moons, and is ready to become an apprentice. He shall be mentored by Rougheye. You shall be known as Smokepaw."

The Clan cheered by calling, "Vinepaw, Wildflight!" "Smokepaw, Rougheye!" 

Vinepaw puffed her chest out proudly. Her mentor, Wildflight, was the deputy of ShadowClan, and was known to be a brave and fierce warrior of the Clan. She hoped Wildflight would help her become just like her, a strong and loyal warrior of ShadowClan. 
Even though it had only been a moon, Vinepaw felt more at home than she ever did in RiverClan. ShadowClan was her home now, and she was sure her brother felt the same. 

But Smokepaw did not feel the same. On the outside, he acted loyal and like a true ShadowClan cat, but on the inside, he longed to go back to RiverClan. Where he could still be a kit. He missed his mother, and his youngest sister, Mosskit. He had been observing the camp since the day he arrived, looking for an escape route. But he could never venture out of his camp, not until now. Now that he was an apprentice, he would be allowed outside of camp, but unfortunately, since Deadstar still did not fully trust him, he was always accompanied by two warriors, along with his mentor. 
Unlike Vinepaw, who Deadstar trusted completely. She was not the same cat Smokepaw used to know, that cold night they arrived. She had changed, she had become a true ShadowClan cat, inside and out. Smokepaw knew Vinepaw would tattle on him in an instant, just to prove her loyalty. So he kept his future plans to himself. One day he would escape. One day he would find his Clan, his mother, and his sister. One day, he would be a RiverClan cat once more. 

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