A girl

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Lauri's pov

I was dragged to this ball by my awful tutor. He was not infact awful but stuck up. Maybe even prissy. My uncle said I should get out and explore the world. This was not quite what I had envisioned. I went to another room to get away from all the craziness of the dancers. I sat on a petite sofa and gazed into the fire. *Dialogue from Jo's pov* I had a brilliant yet silly idea to dance on the porch. I was never a fan of organized dancing. Who ever said being civil was fun anyways. Me and Jo danced our wildest dances and were sure to walk gracefully by the windows. To make sure no one in the ball room would suspect anything. I started laughing at her silly dance moves and she joined in. We ran and skipped and stomped our feet. This was the most fun I've had in a long time.  

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