Taking her home

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Lauri's pov

 I grabbed One of Meg's shoulders steadying her so she wouldn't have to apply pressure to her ankle. The walk was quite pleasant Jo was talking about how she wanted to write a new script for a play that all her sisters would be in. I admired how she could talk and make anything interesting never dull. We arrived at her house It was a large cottage and that's when I realized she was my neighbor. I didn't say anything of it though. Her mom immediately rushed meg to the sofa, asking her a million questions. Their was one girl pacing about the living room. She had blonde braids and was wearing a blue dress and white apron. Her complexion was quite pale and her eyes seemed cheery. "Oh mom this is Lauri, I met him at the dance" "Nice to meet you Lauri, It was very nice of you to help Meg" I waved my hand disregardful of her compliments. "Shall I get some ice from the icebox" I asked. "That would great" replied Jo. I wrapped cloth around it. I noticed her sister staring at me, like I was a black sheep. After awhile I agreed I should probably go home. "I hope to see you around Jo" She smiled and Waved. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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