Chapter two

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|When the limo arrives|
Y/n's pov

I'm standing next to Ben and I can tell he's a little nervous, and to be honest I am too. We watch as two boys fall out of the limo fighting over something. "Ow! Stop! You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?" The boy with white hair says/asks. I ignore their conversation because boys will be boys, and decide to look them over.

I look over at the girls, one has purple hair and she has that aura that says she the leader. The other girl has blue hair and acts like a princess and is looking at things in awe. I look at the other guy that was with the white haired one. He has long brown hair and has that flirty vibe.

I'm brought back to the world when Fairy godmother (Fgm) starts to speak. "Welcome to Auradon Prep. I'm Fairy godmother, headmistress" She says sweetly. Then the leader starts to talk to her but I zone out. I look at the boy with white hair, to see that he's already staring at me. When he notices that I caught him staring, he looks away. Odd.

I'm brought out of it once again as I hear Ben talk. "It's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben, that's Y/n" He says but Audrey interrupts him. "Prince Benjamin, princess Y/n. Soon to be king and queen" She says with fake happiness. 'God I hate her'.

Then the girl with blue hair steps up and bows. "You had me at prince. My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess" She says with a smile. She seems like she's a sweet girl. Then Audrey just has to be the annoying little brat and says, "The evil queen has no royal status here and neither do you".

'I still hate her' I say in my mind. Her smile falls and she goes back to where she was standing. I look at her and mouth 'ignore her' which she sees and give me a small smile. I smile back at her. "This is Audrey" Me and Ben say together, we look at each other and laugh a little until Audrey has to say something.

"Princess Audrey. His girlfriend. Right, Bennyboo?" She asks him while I gag at the nickname she gave him. The Vk's look at me like I'm weird. Then Fairy godmother goes on about how we're gonna show them around and blah blah blah.

"It is so, so, so good to finally me..." He trails off because one of the Vk's punched his shoulder, me right behind him. "Meet you all. This is a momentous oocasion, and one that we hope will go down in history..." He stops because he shook that white hair boys hand, which had chocolate on it. I didn't shake the boy's hands because they looked mean or had something on it.

Ben licks his hand and asks, "is that chocolate?" Then continues on with his speech and shakes the girl's hands, and so do I. "As the day our two people's began to heal" Ben says, I shake my head because that was a little over the top. Then him and the girl with purple hair talk until Audrey interrupts again.

"Hey! You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you? Yeah, you know what? I totally don't blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff. Oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping..." She trails off.

I tune them out and have Ben get on with the tour. Then the purple hair girl goes and makes a joke, "Does he she'd much?" "Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch" Me and Ben say together again, we look at each other and laugh again. "So, are you two like twins? Cause you guys keep doing that" Carlos, which I had asked for his name, asked.

"Yeah, we're twins, but Ben is older by two minutes" I say.

|Timeskip to meeting Doug|

Ben calls Doug down to us and explains that he's gonna help them with their class schedules and dorm. "And if there is anything you need, feel free to-" Ben says but gets cut off by Audrey. "Ask Doug. Or Y/n" she says then we walk away to attend to royal things.

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