The Fears

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Rake led me through the long, twisting hallways of the castle, singing a softly sadistic tune under his breath as he walked. His front claws scratched the floor, shredding through the carpet. He seemed to not notice, whip-like tail slicing through the air with every step he took.

I followed him hesitantly, looking around us as we walked. He occasionally glanced back to make sure I was still behind him, but other than that, he kept to himself. “So, Adelina, Slendy’s taken a liking to you.” He announced, standing and leading me through a set of massive doors and into a ballroom.

“Um…I suppose so, yes.” I replied, taking in the magnificent room. In the middle of the dance floor was a long, cherry table surrounded by soft-cushioned dinner chairs.

“Sit.” Rake ordered.

I complied, sitting in the chair beside the head of the table. “I’ll be back with them all.” Rake said before galloping off, the doors swinging closed behind him.

 I waited for less than three minutes before Rake returned with a group of people…or…things following him. I licked my lips nervously, worrying my bottom lip in between my teeth as they all took their seats. Rake sat directly across from me, and the others filled in the rest of the table.

A child, younger than I, sat to my right, smiling up at me cheerfully. His skin was tinged a soft cerulean, and his body radiated with a unique chill. I shivered slightly, and he giggled. “I’m the Cold Child.” He greeted, exhaling a fine mist into the air as he spoke. “But you can call me Jack. Like Jack Frost. But not.”

I nodded, smiling back. I couldn’t help it; the way he spoke made me think of playing in the snow and having fun. “I’m Adelina.” I replied. It was odd, meeting so many new…people in such a short amount of time.

I was usually rather shy, but death had given me a new outlook on life. Or at least, the way I went about in this realm. Jack’s smile froze in place-no pun intended. “The Adelina?” He inquired eagerly, looking surprised.

Another voice cut in from the other end of the table. “Yes, Jack. It’s the Adelina.”

Both Jack and I glanced over to the new voice. It was a man wearing all black garbs, his face covered with a plague mask. “I am the Plague Doctor.” He said formally.

“Everybody just calls him Doc.” Jack announced, leaning back in his chair and beginning to hum a quiet tune under his breath.

Doc nodded, the beak of his mask twisting at the edges into an eerie smile. Shocked, I realized that the mask wasn’t a mask at all. It was his face. “So…everyone knows me, then?”

“Don’t flatter yourself, girl.” Said Rake, who had been previously sharpening his claws. “Just because you’re Slendy’s new favorite don’t mean nothing.”

It was good natured, what he meant, but the way he said it offended me. “What do you mean, I’m Slender’s favorite?” I asked, voice tight.

Rake smirked. “He’s been tracking you for months. Always Adelina this, Adelina that.” He rolled his eyes dramatically and kicked his feet up onto the table.

“It’s almost as if Slender has a soul again, speaking about you.” Another voice whispered from beside Rake.

A murmur of agreement went up around the table, and I nibbled on my lip nervously. “Are you sure?”

“Of course. You’re all he talks about.” Doc said, still smiling and clearly amused.

The girl sitting beside Rake smiled, the corners of her mouth creaking quietly. “I’m the Wooden Girl.” She was, in fact, appearing to have been made from wood like Pinocchio. “My life name was Mindy.”

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