staying over

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Trips in that car were awkward, but that particular trip beat those with lengths unheard of. Alexander didn't even find his BlackBerry to look at that one. We were in the back of the car, gazing out each our window.

Jazz opened my door and Alexander led me to the elevator.

I pushed the button and wrapped the shawl tighter around me.

The door opened with a ding, and Alexander punched the access code to his flat.

The ride was quiet.

"Sleep here tonight," Alexander said gently before the elevator reached the top floor.

I looked at him. "And what?" I asked. When would we meet again? Compared to so much else, we didn't meet all the time just because we knew one another. It was actually before we got to know each other we met all the time.

He looked at the doors which opened with a small pling. "Stay," he repeated.

I left the elevator and went down the hall. I probably should have packed some pajamas then. Before I reached the spare bedroom I turned and looked back at him.

"Okay," I acquiesced. "I'll stay here until tomorrow."

His eyebrows were raised. "Sleep tight, Christina," he said.

I smiled and went into the guest bedroom. I locked the door behind me and changed into my own underwear and considered what to do. I pulled my t-shirt on and unlocked the door, brushed my teeth – because he'd left a toothbrush and paste – before getting underneath the covers.

I had removed the decorations from my hair, and the jewelry was in their relating boxes.

The flat was almost quiet.

I couldn't hear Alexander. Maybe it was a bit much to lock the door, but there were certain things I couldn't let go of after that night I ended up in the ER.

I closed my eyes. Tomorrow would become interesting.

I was curled around the comforter. Curled into it like a caterpillar. I'd slept wonderfully, compared to the first night down at the hall with the conference rooms. This felt a bit more personal. And that even though nothing about this place screamed personality.

I reached the clutch from the night before and found my phone in it.


I stretched beneath the covers, got out of bed and put on pants. I caught my reflection in the mirror and put my hair into a messy bun.

I sat down on the bed and donned my bra and socks. Cardigan? I put it on and left the room.

There was a faint smell of food, no bacon, but I couldn't quite define the smell.

I went, hesitantly, towards the living area.

Alexander was by the stove, doing something in a pan.

"Morning," I said.

He turned his head and looked at me. "Good morning," he said quietly and returned to what he was doing.

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