~CHAPTER 1: The Attack~

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Kyuubi's voice.......
Shinigami's speaking........
Shinigami thinking.........
(All pictures do not belong to me they are from the internet)


October tenth was like any other day in Konoha. That day, however, was the day the Hokage's wife was giving birth to their children. Due to his wife's special condition, she had to give birth away from their village.

At the Undisclosed Location

Kushina, the current jinchūriki, was screaming in pain as she gave birth to her three children as a dozen nurses, including the third Hokage's wife, Biwako, was helping with the pregnancy. They were also making sure the kyuubi did not escape his seal. Minato, the Fourth Hokage, came, using his hiraishin, to support his wife through her labor. She finally gave birth to their children and a nurse went up to the couple and said "Congratulations, you have given birth to two boys and a girl. The oldest is a boy." The other nurses took the kids to check to make sure they were health. Minato went to his wife and grabbed her hand, "Well done Kushina. We had two boys and a girl. What should we name them." Kushina looked at him, "The girl will be Naruko and the oldest boy will be Naruto and the younger will be Menma." Minato smiled, "Those names are wonderful ." Suddenly they heard, "Please move away from the jinchūriki." Minato turned around and saw Biwako, the nurses, and all the ANBU guards laying on the ground, dead, he then turned to the man. He was wearing a black cloak with red clouds depictions and he had a orange mask that was shaped like a swirl with only one opening for his eye, which had a sharingan pattern. The man held Minato's kids in his arms with a kunai ready, "Okay, please calm down." The masked man replied, "Speak for yourself. I am completely calm. Now, move away." Minato slowly moved away from Kushina and the masked man threw the children in the air. Minato flashed to them and found they had explosive seals attached to the children's blankets. He quickly threw the blankets off them making it explode in the air. Minato quickly flashed to a safe house and laid the children there. When he returned, Kushina was barely breathing and the man was standing beside her. The man turned and said, "Uzumaki's longevity is amazing. Ah, Lord Fourth, you really are fast but not fast enough." Then suddenly the kyuubi broke through the seal and started to leaves Kushina, "Freedom, at last." Then suddenly the masked man yelled, "Kamui"  and teleported the kyuubi away. Minato hastily took Kushina and hiraishin them to the safe house and left her with the children. He, then flashed towards the village and saw the kyuubi reeking havoc on everything in front of him. He saw that the kyuubi had the image of a sharingan in his eyes and he realized the kyuubi was being controlled by the masked man. He flashed and fought the man. The man said he couldn't be beaten because he had the kyuubi on his side. Minato used that moment to through his special kunai at the masked man and hiraishin towards him with a rasengan. The man dodged and they began to exchange blow after blow, but then the man just teleported away saying it was better to let the kyuubi finish the job instead. Minato looked towards the kyuubi and saw that most of Konoha's forces had been killed. In desperation, Minato flashed to the safe house and took his children and told Kushina he was planning on sealing the kyuubi into the children. She begged him not to, knowing the pain of being a jail for a demon, she asked that the kyuubi would be resealed into her so she would die with the kyuubi. However, he convinced her that it was necessary to have the kyuubi sealed the children and that they couldn't have her die because she needed to be there for their children. He brought them to where the kyuubi was and performed the Reaper Death seal. The shinigami appeared and was deeply annoyed to have been summoned by a mortal, "What do you want from me mortal?" Minato went on his knees and begged, "Please Lord Shinigami, I beg you to seal the kyuubi into my youngest children Naruko and Menma." The shinigami consented and looked at the children, he had taken notice of  Naruto, "Very well. On the condition you do not neglect any of your children. Love them, care for them, and train them. I also need a sacrifice." The Third Hokage came forward and said, " I offer myself. I have lived a full life and wish to join my wife in the afterlife." Minato nodded his head. The shinigami looked at Naruto and thought, "Is it really him?! Are they coming back?! I guess SHE was serious about them returning. This certainly will make things interesting." Then he split the kyuubi into the Yin and Yang parts and sealed the Yin part into Naruko and Yang into Menma. When the shinigami started to seal the kyuubi, you could hear it yell,"NO!! I WILL NOT BE SEALED AGAIN!!! I WILL BE FREE!!!" The Third died as the sealing was completed, and his soul left and went to the shinigami. The shinigami quickly looked at Naruto, who just looked up at him and smiled brightly, and muttered, "So they really are returning", before disappearing again, taking the Third with him. Minato took his children back to Kushina. After the attack, Minato forgot his promise to the shinigami and announced that Naruko and Menma were holding back the kyuubi and that they alone were to be considered heroes and would be honored for holding back the kyuubi. He did not notice that many of the villagers were glaring at Naruto, due to his whisker birthmarks, they believed that his siblings held most of the kyuubi, while he contained the soul. They started to believe that he was the kyuubi. No one would believe that at that one moment what terrible mistakes they had made. Not even the Fourth realized that he unwittingly tore his family apart and may have even changed the fate of the world.


For those who have not seen Naruto

Hiraishin-The Flying Thunder God Technique is a space–time ninjutsu created by Tobirama Senju. The Flying Thunder God Technique can only be performed, after the users places a first mark a target with their "technique formula". The formula is applied after the merest touch and cannot be removed. There is seemingly no limit to how many targets can be marked with technique formulas, as Minato Namikaze routinely uses dozens at a time.

Rasengan- is a spinning ball of chakra formed and held in the palm of the user's hand.

Kamui- allows the user to transfer objects to and from another dimension. These transfers are often characterised by a spiralling void that targets swirl into or out of, distorting their form as they move between dimensions. Targets that enter the dimension are completely untraceable, as not even their chakra can be detected while they're there.

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