~CHAPTER4: Rememberance, Regret, and Truth~

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Minato's POV

It is the end of the first day of school for my kids. I am so proud. Both of them have been able to control the Kyuubi's chakra and have learned most of Kushina's and mine justus. But I feel as if something is missing, like I have forgotten something. Eh. It will come to me later.
We are all sitting around the table, waiting for dinner. Than Naruko asks, "Hey Dad, since we all are in the academy, does that mean Naruto will train with us?" Menma then chipped in, "Yeah and can he start hanging out with us again, as well. We haven't been able to be all together for awhile." Everything stopped. I can't believe I forgot my oldest son. We promised him that we would start training him when he entered the academy, but we totally forgot. Kushina started to freak out and started flipping through our photo albums and screamed, "Minato! I can't find him! I can't find a single picture of him past the age of three!" I went over to Kushina and started to console her. Then I looked a Naruko, "We should be able too. Why don't you go to Naruto's room to tell him." Naruko nodded and was about to run off, when she stopped, "I don't know where nii-chan's room is." I suddenly remembered and started to walk towards the attic. It was horrible I can't believe I subjugated my child into such horrible conditions. There was no insulation, the window latch was broken, nails were sticking out of the floor and there was only a mattress with one small blanket on it. I rushed downstairs and said, " He's not in his room. I can't find him anywhere." Naruko looked at me and said, "Well, I saw him talking to Hinata and Shino at school today. They looked like they were friends." I was shocked. I didn't register him in the academy. Who did? He then decided, "Okay. We will talk to him tomorrow, when he goes to the academy. Will try and convince him to come home, okay Kushina?" Kushina nodded, "I need my baby boy with us. I hope he can forgive us for ignoring him." Minato look at her reassuringly, "I'm sure he will."


I was walking towards the academy, excited for the new day. I was wearing similar clothes I had yesterday and I brought my staff with me. Then I saw my family walking towards me. Kushina-sama ran towards me with open arms. She tried to hug me but I used the Shunshin no Justu I learned to disappear into a pile of leaves and move away from her. I ran towards the academy and sat next to Shino and Hinata. They looked at me worriedly. Shino asked, "Hey Naruto. Why was Kushina-sama trying to hug you?" Hinata nodded in agreement. I sighed heavily, "I'll tell you during lunch, okay?" Once class was over, we met up with TenTen, Lee and Gai-Sensei came over as well to talk. I sighed deeply and lowered my head, "I haven't been totally honest about who my parent are. I don't really mention them because they don't pay any attention to me. I suppose I should tell you my full name. My full name is Namikaze-Uzumaki Naruto." Everyone was shocked. They didn't know they were friends with one of the Fourth's kids, but then they remember I mentioned that they don't care about me. They weren't angry with me but shocked. TenTen went to me and gave me a hug, "It's okay Naruto. It's understandable that you wouldn't want any connection to them if they have been ignoring you. We aren't mad at you, just shocked. " I smiled gratefully. I'm glad I have such nice friends. I replied happily, "Thanks for understanding guys. Oh hey, you all can come to my house for a visit. I want to show all of you something. It's something I've been hiding from everyone for a few years now and I trust you with this information. You too, Gai-sensei." They all nodded and we agreed to to meet in front of trading grounds 44 or the Forest of Death. They were all skeptical but accepted when I told them that's where I've been living.
Once school was over, I started to leave the academy when I saw Lady Kushina and Lord Fourth looking around. Probably for Menma and Naruko. Both of my siblings ran over to their parents while I was about to head home. Kushina-sama saw me and tried to walk towards me but I just Shunshin away. I appeared right in front of the Forest of Death. I saw that everyone had just arrived and we started to walk through the forest. I noticed they were all nervous walking through the forest. I assured them that we would soon be at my house. When we arrived at my house they were shocked at how big it was. I just walked in and they followed behind me. They started to look around awestruck. I can't blame them. I had made the house into a traditional Japanese mansion. They were about to sit down when I said, "Alright follow me. We still need to get into my home." They looked at me in shock. Lee stepped forward and asked "Naruto-kun isn't this your home?" I looked at him strangely," No this is the decoy and the entrance." Everyone nodded dumbly and followed to a latch in the floor, underneath the floor, there was grass everywhere and what looked like a seal in the middle. I put one of my hands on the seal and told everyone to hold hands. They did as they were told and pumped some chakra into the seal and we were all transported, then we all started falling. I whistled and Oppa came flying towards us and caught us all. They all looked surprised that they didn't fall to their deaths. I looked at them and said, "This is Oppa. He is going to be leading us into the inner city." They kept quiet until they reached the underground city. Everyone, besides me, gasped in shock. It was a beautiful sight. I sighed, "Home sweet home. I have been training in secret here. You should see the library, actually I'll give you a tour." I showed them the food storage, the houses, the technology factories, and finally the library. Naruto- TenTen really enjoyed looking through the weapons factory and examining the advanced technology.
When they arrived at the library, Naruto showed them all scrolls and knowledge that it had. "I have been training in everything that's in this library. That's why I knew some taijutsus you didn't know, Gai-Sensei. I have also been training in the art of bending." I started to bend air into a tornado, than I started bend water from thin air.
They were all shocked. Shino came forward, "I understand that you trust us to show us your abilities. But there is one thing I don't understand. Why? I don't understand why show us your library" Naruto smiled, "I was wondering if you would like to train in the art of bending and learn more ninja techniques. I've also been able to find knowledge about many kekkai genkai through the library. I know that I should at least share my knowledge, but I thought it should be at least with people I trust. I only ask that you don't tell anyone outside this group." They all nodded. I was very satisfied, " Okay then, Gai-Sensei, the taijutsu scrolls are over there. I can teach all about bending. I know that Lee can't use chakra, but bending utilizes chi or living energy, which everyone has. It is also responsible for each persons chakra affinity. We just need to know which element each of you controls." I looked around and handed chakra paper to Hina-Chan, TenTen, and Shino. I told them to push chakra through it to find their element. Hina-Chan has water, TenTen got earth and Shino got air. I pointed them each to their individual section. I also told Shino that he'd be able to pick his own flying bison, like Oppa. He was rather intrigued about getting his own bison. I looked at Lee and told him that it would be easier to access his chi because he never had a lot of chakra and that to unlock it he is to meditate with his hand in front of him. He was to try and direct his chi to his hand. When he was finally able to do it a swarm of fire came out, so I pointed him to the fire bending section. Then Gai-Sensei came up to me and asked, "Can they bend more than one youthful element, like you did?" "No. Only the Avatar can bend all four elements. I've only gotten air and water down, next is earth. Hey Gai-Sensei, you can also learn bending if you want?" Gai shook his head, "You kids are growing more powerful at your own right. I just want to make sure your youthful minds don't get corrupted by power." Naruto nodded, it made sense. He knew that absolute power can corrupt absolutely. TenTen suddenly yelled at me, "Hey Naru, I was wondering if we could look through the weapons factory and the clothes that are stashed away here. I was thinking that we could get the weapons to be operational again. It would help with defense and transportation, and the clothes would be better for our bending." Naruto yelled that it was okay by him. All four of them went through the library looking at Taijutsu, Kenjustu, chakra control and many other things. Hinata and Shino found many scroll pertaining to their clan that have been lost for centuries. They came up to him and asked how the library has these scrolls. He told them, "This library has special seals that go all over the world, so when every someone makes a new justu, the library immediately records it and then stores it. I have been able to learn how most bloodline work, and I have been able to train the Mokuton. I don't know about half of the things that are in this library." They seemed to accept that explanation and continued to explore the library.
Naruto POV
Shino came to me and asked me to tell him about the flying bison. I introduced them to Oppa and his siblings. I gave him an apple and told him to choose wisely. He walk through the pack and gave the apple to a flying bison. It ate it up quietly and rubbed against Shino. Shino smiled happily and asked me if the benders had their own language. I nodded and said they spoke a language called Chinese. He asked what was the word for bug in Chinese. I responded, "Chóngzi." Shino nodded and turned to his bison and said, "Your name will be Chóngzi."
We all decided that it would be great if we learned Chinese so we could communicate covertly. I agreed then we continued to go through the city, admiring it and looking at the advance to technology.
It was getting dark so I showed them the reverse seal that would transport them to the decoy. I told them they could come by any time. They all nodded and thanked me for trusting them with my secret. I'm glad I shared this with them. Now we can grow stronger together.

Author's POV

Shunshin no Justu- Body flicker technique.

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