~CHAPTER 2: Neglect~

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Naruto's POV

Five years later

Why!? Why do they hate me!? I never did anything wrong. Why don't mom and dad spend times with me?! They don't even want to train me!? Only Menma and Naruko. Even Tsunade baa-san and Jiraya the "ero-sennin". It has been five years since the kyuubi's attack and my life could be described as a living hell.
For the first few years, life was good. My parents did pay attention to all three of their children equally, although they hadn't started our training yet. However, all that ended when Jiraiya, our godfather, came by one day when we were three.
Jiraiya came in yelling, " MINATO, KUSHINA!! Come here I need to talk to you!" Once they came down, they saw Jiraiya was very frantic. "What's wrong?! What's happen?!" Kushina and Minato said quickly. Jiraiya caught his breath and replied, " The old toad has given me a prophecy. He said, 'A child, born from the yellow hero and the red death, will gain the ancient power lost, long ago to time. He will gain all human knowledge, power, and technology. He will rescue the world, with his four guardians, from certain doom. ' I believe this is referring to Menma and Naruko. Since they have the kyuubi, a creature who has been around for thousands of years. I don't understand the part about the four guardians, but we need to start their training as soon as possible." Kushina looked at him, "Well that's great!! We can start all of their training at the same time." Jiraiya looked at her, "I am sorry, Kushina. But I meant only Menma and Naruko. We need them to be able to control the kyuubi and use its power. It be better if Naruto's training didn't start until he goes into the academy so he doesn't distract the others from their training." Kushina couldn't believe what she was hearing, her hair started to split into nine tails and she began to yell, "You are really asking us to NEGLECT one of our children!! You can't expect us to IGNORE one of our children!!" Jiraiya replies, "For the sake of the world, yes. But at least he will be safe. I'm not saying don't train them, at all. I'm merely suggesting postponing their training until later." Kushina hesitated, "I-I don't know about this. This seems wrong." Minato put his hands on her shoulders and told her, "It will be alright. He will understand and will forgive us." Kushina looking dejected, meekly nodded her head.

Ever since then they would only train Naruko and Menma. Even when I try to spend some time with my parents they would brush me off. I know that because of the kyuubi they needed to make sure he doesn't get out but that doesn't excuse them from ignoring me. I can't even go into the village by myself because everyone hates me. They think I'm the kyuubi because of my birthmarks, and when I tried to tell mom, she hit me and told me never to lie to her. She believed the villagers were too nice to ever do such horrible things like beating me or trying to kill me. She even moved me to the attic, where it is dingy, dirty, and there was no insulation. Their was only one saving grace through all this.


This year is my fifth birthday and I am running away from the villagers, as usual, because of the stupid fox hunt, where they would try and hunt me down. I found myself being pulled somewhere and I ended up running to the forest of death. The villagers stopped, not wanting to go in because of all the terrifying creatures that live in the forest. I'm not scared. I've been through hell and back with them. To me the forest of death is a sanctuary. I noticed I had run into a clearing. I started to walk around until I saw what looked like a seal. (Breaking the fourth wall) Yes. I know what a seal looks like. Due to the fact my parents refuse to train me, I decided to take matters into my own hands and read books on fūinjustu. Since they are famous for it, they have thousands of books about it at home.
Naruto- okay!!! *coughs into hand *

Anyway. I put my hand onto The seal and tried to push some of my chakra into it. I ended up putting too much. Sorry I haven't started chakra control yet. Since I put too much chakra the seal started to gloss wildly and transported me somewhere. Next thing I know I am falling to my death in a hole in the ground. Is this really how I am going to die. Falling to my death. I bet no one would care anyways. Right?? Then I remember why I secretly read books about chakra and seals, and why I wanted to train. I will not die now. I'm going to live and prove everyone wrong. I saw the ground approaching fast. I closed my eyes, raised my arms to protect my face, and waited for impact, but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see I was flying above the ground and then suddenly, I landed onto the floor with a thump. I started to look around and saw he was in a beautiful cave with waterfalls and a steam. The stream was full of exotic koi fish. It was beautiful.
I noticed what looked like the exit but has couldn't reach it, I was too small, but then the water started to move on its own, from under his feet and move him towards the exit at high speed. As I was flying I was about to crash into a wall but is suddenly blasted open and I saw a underground city. It has been abandoned for some time. Their were houses, food storages that still had fresh food somehow, storage areas with technology so advanced you wouldn't believe they came from an ancient civilization, and even a huge central library. As if I was possessed, I moved towards the library and opened the doors. The library had sections with different symbols. The first few had names he recognized, like taijustu, fūinjustu, chakra control, kenjustu, weapons usage genjustu, information on kekkai genkai and even kinjustu. The library also carried books about academic topics like the language, history, politics and many other things. The last four symbols were strangest.
There was a symbol with three spirals like wind, a circle symbol with lines and swirls, like waves on it, another one that looked like a box that slowly got smaller towards the top, with lines at the bottom and a swirl in the middle, and the last one had a swirl with lines that looked like fire. When he opened a scroll from the section with three spirals, it was full of wind justus and another one had techniques on how to control air. It was the same for all the other elements; wind, water, earth, fire. In the middle was a large tree. The tree had a huge hole in the middle and inside was a scroll. Just as I was about to grab the scroll a large, flying mammal landed in front of me and started to growl. It had what looked like a arrow on its head that went down its back with lines marking its back and it had two horns protruding from it's head. It seemed to be protecting the scroll and it had children behind it. It started to sniff me. Then I saw it's eyes widen in recognition and surprise. It started to lick me and it happily jumped around. It children started to come near me and began to prance around me. The creature that first licked me, moved out of the way and allowed me to go near the scroll. I opened it slowly. It read, "To whom it's might concern, my name is Korra, I am the Avatar from the last age. If you have somehow found this place, gotten past the flying bison, and are able to open this scroll. It means that you are the new Avatar. The avatar is a person who is able to bend or manipulate all the elements. Wind, Water, Fire, and Earth. This library contains a seal that will collect all knowledge from around the world and bring it here to be kept for anyone the Avatar seems worthy of its knowledge. You, the Avatar, have a sacred duty to bring peace to this world. This city contains all the knowledge and technology of our time. Use it wisely. Go Avatar on your journey and may the ancient spirits guide your path. If you are able to use air first, you should try bonding with one of the flying bison that guard this scroll.
I was shocked, ecstatic. I was the savior of the world. I have access to more information than anyone in the Elemental Nations, and I could choose who to give it to. Then he remembered the first element I was able to use was air. I looked at the flying bison and saw an apple on the ground near him that fell from the tree. I looked through the young bisons and saw a small male bison far in the back. I walked to him and showed the apple to him. He immediately lite up and ate the apple and ran to me and buried his face in my stomach. I laughed happily and looked at him smiling, and said, "I think I'll name you Oppa." I looked at the others and smiled. I finally had a true family.

Authors POV
FYI- I did base the name of the Bison after Aang's bison Appa. I couldn't think of a good name. 😓

Fūinjustu- seals
Taijutsu- martial arts
Kenjustu- sword play
Genjustu- illusions
Kekkai genkai- bloodline
Kinjustu- forbidden justu

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