Chapter 7: The Project

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~Lots of dialog in this chapter! Hope you like it anyways!!!~

Rye POV:

So, it's finally Friday !!! I really don't feel like going to school today but at least I'll see Andy again. I'm really nervous to see him too though because of what he texted me yesterday. He said he liked me back and I never had someone that liked me back before. I don't know how to act.

My classes today are Spanish, Science, math, and music. I always finish with music every Friday. Andy is in two of my classes today, I think. I know he is not in my Spanish class because he has French, but I don't know if he is in my music class.

I have to go to school now. I get up, get dressed, and go to the kitchen. I then get my lunch and leave. After my usual 5 minutes of walking, I arrive at school. Harvey was already there waiting for me like usual. It has been only one week we back to school and I already have a routine with my friend. I'm glad I moved here.

"Good morning !" I said to Harvey as I walked into the school and to my locker.

"Oh, hey" he responded

"See you in period two," I said before leaving for my first class.


After Spanish, we all had science. I could finally have a proper conversation with Harv. As I entered the classroom, Harvey was already sitting there, talking to a girl in our class. I never saw him talking to that girl. I'm going to ask him about her later. As the bell rang, the teacher entered the room and started his class. I started a conversation with Harvey. Later was now and I was really intrigued to know who that girl is.

"Harv, who was that girl you were talking to before I arrived?" I whispered

"Oh, that was Loren Grey. She's nice" he whispered back

"Ok, so... do you like her?" I asked

"Why are you so noisy?" he responded

"I take that from my mom! But you do like her"

"No, she's just a friend" he insisted

"If you say so," I said. We finished that conversation just in time before the teacher caught us.


It was finally lunch. Harvey and I were going to walk outside to sit in our usual spot when someone grabbed my arm. It was Andy.

"Hey, you!" he said

"Hey," I said back"

"Mind if I join you guys?" he asked. I was flattered but I was also wondering why. Was everything ok with the boys?

"Sure! Is everything ok with the boys?" I asked concerned

"Yeah! I just wanted to spent time with you" he answered. He is so sweet.

"Ok! We usually eat in the grass, though. do you mind?" I said

" No not at all" he answered

"I'm gonna leave you two to it, ok?" Harvey said and he left.

Andy and I were now going to the grass to eat. It wasn't the first time I was going to be alone with him but I was still nervous.

"So, I was wondering if you'd like to come over tonight to work on the History project we have to do?" he asked out of the blue to break the awkward and very visible silence that was occurring between us.

"Right the history project... yeah sure let me just text my mom that I'm not coming home after school.

Rye: Hey Mom! I was wondering if I could go to a friend's house after school for a project?

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