Chapter 8: The Date!

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Rye's POV:

I just woke up from a very disturbed sleep because I was too excited. I am totally freaking out, too. I'm actually going on a date with Andy!!! My palms are all sweaty now. It's tonight and I don't even know what to wear. He's picking me up at 6 pm tonight. It is now 11 am, meaning I have 7 hours to eat lunch, choose my outfit, shower, and try to relax. I believe I won't be able to do the last step, though. 

I decided to text Harvey to tell him the news and hope he could help me out.

Rye: hey, Harv! 

Harv: Hey! What's up?

Rye: Andy invited me to go bowling with him and his friends. He said it's a DATE!!!

Harv: That's really nice for you, Rye!

Harv: Let me guess... you want me to come over to help you pick your outfit?!

Rye: Yes! How did guess?

Harv: No offense but you gays are all the same! When your crush invites you out you freak and ask for help from your best mate! I'm flattered that I'm your best mate, though. ;)

Rye: Non-taken, but you seriously watch too much tv! So, are you coming I really need your help? :)

Harv: Yes, I'm coming. Give me 10 and I'll be there!

Rye: Thanks! See you in 10, then! 

10 minutes later, Harvey rang my doorbell. He was usually not late; which was good to know. 

We went to my bedroom and he opened my closet. "So, what style do you want to go with? Chill? Trying to be cool? Too gay?" he asked

" How about 'I hope I'm good enough for you' " I said looking down.

" Why don't we try something more positive like 'I'm here to have fun' because you are going there to have fun. I just want that to be clear!" he said taking his head out of my closet and looking at me for the last for.

"Yes I know I'm going to have fun but it's hard because I'm going with the most popular guys in our school. They could have chosen anybody and they chose me. Why?" I said desperate for an answer.

"First, try to think that they are just guys, ok? forget the popular part for a minute and second, Andy chose you because you're amazing, ok? Stop bringing yourself down!" Harvey said.

"Ok! Thanks, Harvey! Did you find something that you like in my closet?" I said changing the subject back to why we are here.

"Here! Try this! Then tell me if you like it!" he said and turned around throwing me some pants, a shirt, and a pair of shoes.

I went to try them on and I really liked it together. I never really put those three things together but it was nice. Harvey gave me black skinnies, a tye-dye purple/pink and white t-shirt, and white shoes from my closet. I then accessorized that with 2 rings, 2 bracelets, and a chain.

 I then accessorized that with 2 rings, 2 bracelets, and a chain

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