Chapter 2- Baby's Breath

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Entry 2: Baby's Breath
I'm deep in the woods now and I've been lucky enough to stumble upon some baby's breath so far into the season. Once again I've found myself thinking of you. The flower is so delicate yet sturdy. It may be one of my favorite flowers even. We should be heading back to the tribe in a few days. We've traveled a long, long ways and the hunting grounds seem much more plentiful. If we do uproot again I know it will be bothersome for you. The kiddos can't stand going such far distances but this land is not meant to last long. I'm so excited to get back to you. We may even get to travel together and after, we won't have to travel as far to hunt. Maybe i'll ask our leader to allow be to help with planting the crops for spring and summer. I'm picking extra baby's breath for you, my love. It will last long enough until we get back there. I'm not sure when I will be giving you this book but I know someday it will happen; I just have to find the right time.

Love you dearly,

Yasha rumaged through her bag for the animal adhesive. She already dried and pressed the flower and all it needed was to be glued down. The night was coming and the fellow hunters were beginning to gather around, starting a fire and preparing their rations of food. The strings of smoke rose over the canopy of assorted trees. Yasha made the trek back from her small spot, hidden from the tribe and entered their temporary camp.

"Orphanmaker. Where have you been going these past few weeks?", questioned the hunting leader, Uundek.

Yasha stumbled for a lie. "Nowhere really sir. I've been foraging for any extra food."

"Well have you just been hoarding everything you find then?"

She was at a loss for words again, stuttering and bumbling over everything she said. Her tongue was tied.

"If you think that you are more important than the betterment of the tribe as the whole I think I should have to report you for that. You are out of line, Yasha Nydoorin. Once people catch wind of this you might actually be having to forage your own food." Uundek scolded her, his anger slipping out of his clentched teeth.

That night Yasha skipped dinner. Wouldn't have mattered anyway as she heard her name being thrown around her fellow hunters. 'There's no coming back from that' Yasha thought. Later in the night though she had a visitor. The woman who entered her tent was Raena, a tall, built woman, light wrinkles on her face as she was beginning to age and her long, black hair, tied behind her head now showing gray hairs. This was Zuala's mother.


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