Five: I Have A Lover

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"That someone, only I can see himHe is only visible to my eyes"

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"That someone, only I can see him
He is only visible to my eyes"



It's so hot here, I might die.

you just got there...


you're so annoying
k besides the weather, you like
america so far?

I'm seeing a lot of tall people everywhere,
kinda weird.
Like everywhere I look,
Tall person!

wait till you see the team you're
playing on
or the basketball players o_o


what's so funny?

I imagined tiny you running around
here in America, haha you'd get STOMPED ON

i hope you get lost in america

T-T You really know how to hurt me.
Anyway, what time is it there?

almost 11PM >.<

Really? The sun just rose over here.
You should sleep.

definitely will
just wanted to make sure you didn't
die or something the second you landed.

Haha ):<
Go to sleep already,
don't you have school tomorrow?

i always pull all-nighters.
being a uni student isn't gonna
change that.

That is why you're so teeny-tiny.
You don't sleep.
Crap, I gotta go my taxi
is here and the navigator guy
wants to get me prepared for
meeting the team.

no sweat. don't mess up your
first meeting! >:)


good luck

Tossing her phone onto her bed, she laid down, turning off her lamp.

Her bed seemed to have engulfed her as she slowly began to drift off into peaceful slumber. He was doing okay, she was doing okay; everything would be fine.

"You know," Kohari muttered incoherently as sleep began to take over. "I hope he finds a lover... in Americaw... he deswerves it."


𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐈 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ― k. tsukishima ✓Where stories live. Discover now