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eliana's pov

"fuck" argh! my head hurts as fuck.

i looked around to see where i am rn. now,,,, why am i in my room? as far as i can remember, i was supposed to be at the living room.

i stood up then went downstairs.

"woah, what a mess" the living room rn left me shookt. it's very messy, how am i going to clean these up?

the girls are not here. i looked into their rooms, and there they are, sleeping, in such a horrible state. but stella is not in her room.

i am going to call stella.


omygod, she's not picking up. i don't even have the number of her boyfriend, i want to call him. she's making me worry.


"what the heck!" i shouted

"you scared me rhea!"

"oh sorry"

"wait, did you just called me by my name?!?!"

"uh yes?"

"oh my fucking god rhea, for the first time, u did not called me unnie. i'm happy!" i squealed

"stop unnie. my stomach is rumbling. did you made some food?"

"uhm, no"


"stella is missing"


"yeah, and i cant reached her"

"what the heck is going on? ouch! my head." laurene said while we're talking

"stella is missing"

"are you guys okay? she's there downstairs"

i immediately looked downstairs, omg she's literally here.

"where did you go?!"

"i'm just outside??? getting some fresh air"


"by the way, when's your flight eliana?" stella asked me out of nowhere

"next monday"

"im sad" laurene pouted

"aw, let's just bond for the next days" i said

"i love you all" i told them


-i just wrote this in full english.... im shookt and at the same time cringed

here i am again | taennieWhere stories live. Discover now