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"Are you sure your parents are gonna love me?I mean,we're different ghosts."my girlfriend asks while she squeezed my arm as i scoffed.

"Babe,everything's gonna be alright."i patted her head and she giggled.

My parents suddenly came out with faces..that actually tells me something's wrong.

"Uh,mom,dad,this is-"

"Xinlong,come inside.We need to talk."my dad called as i looked at my girlfriend and i motioned her to leave.

She nodded and walked away.I walked inside the house and stood in front of the door.

"Yeah?"i asked as my dad placed his hand on my shoulder as he rubs his face with his other hand.

"Son..you are not meant for other ghosts.Before anything,you have to break up with your current girlfriend.Don't stop me from talking He Xinlong,there's so much you need to know before getting angry at us for breaking you up with your 3 years girlfriend.It's for your own sake.We saw your future,you stay with her you'll break apart with her and start finding someone else hopelessly.Please,that's not what we want for you."my dad stood firmly afterwards.

"What do you mean..not meant for ghosts?"i asked.

"Dear..your soulmate..is in the other world.The alive world.You can know she's your soulmate..if you get a touch of her,that's all."my mom came and smiled.

"But..my girlfriend?How would she feel?She's gonna.."i felt like crying.

"It's okay Xinlong,go find her."my girlfriend came to me and smiled.

"You serious?I mean,i loved you for so long..can't we make it last forever?"i held her hand and she looked down taking her hands back away gently.

"Actually..i have been set up a marriage with an unknown,but i often see him.I'm still young i know that,it's just when i get older i will get married to him.Honestly,my feeling did fade away about you..maybe my heart's attracted to the other.I can also see you felt the same,those words we used were fake.It's best if we go our right ways Xinlong.It's alright.Those moments are memories."she sentenced and walked away.

I felt nothing but emptiness as i did agreed on what she had said.I never even love her like my own.

"Xinlong sweetie..are you ready to go find your real soulmate?"my mom asked and i small smiled at her.

"I'm..ready.Let's do it now."i said as my feelings weirdly got excited.

"Xinlong?You're excited?Your smile is so big it could make your cheeks hurt!"my mom stated and i laughed.

I wonder my human soulmate..

boo - he xinlong ✔Where stories live. Discover now