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We both pulled away and i just smirked..it felt real.

"Xinlong,that was an accident that is not-ew that is pure..disgusting?I'm just gonna leave i have to go see my parents..come down if you want."she opened the door and left.

I stayed lying down and i felt..great.I see why she's my soulmate now.My before girlfriend makes me feel so empty for all the 3 years..but Y/n overflowed me now.I heard a purr and i screamed and went outside.

"Seriously,mom he's in my room."

"Sweetie,are you sick?"

"He's a ghost mom.Please!Only you ever believed in my stupid chaotic stories and this one is real.I mean it.He's my soulmate as he said so.He's.."she tried to say something.

"Just honestly..i fell for him.It was quick than those boys in school!"her mom's phone started ringing and she quickly excused herself.

I went closer to her and hugged her from behind as she was shook.My hands were wrapped around her waist and my head was placed on her shoulder as my chin supported.

"Oh no..you heard.It was a lie i just wanted her to believe because-"

"No.I feel it.You are speaking the truth."i smiled to myself and she shook her head.

"No i was lying.I said so,my own mouth.Now get off me you're making me uncomfortable."she pushed me off and her mom came.

"Dear i-"she stopped.

"Is this him?Well he's a physical human?"

"Ma'am,i was sent here from the ghost place to take blessings from you and maybe your husband to take place as your daughter's boyfriend and maybe future husband.This may seem like playtime but it is not,no one can see me like this except for the chosen one.I'm sorry if i freaked you out."i bowed and she was speechless.

"So..you're dead?"she asked as Y/n came close.

"Mom calm down.He was..the dead who is my soulmate,it's unacceptable i know..but there must be a way that he can be existing in real life.Right?"she asked me and looked back.

"Find my soulmate and the dead shall be the life,that's what my mom told me about."i responded and her mom fainted..great.

Y/n called out to her mom.She stood back up and got near me as she clenched on my shirt collar.

"What happened to her?Did you decided to hypnotize her?"she asked and i pushed her hands from my collar.

"Calm down,i wasn't the cause miss.She must've freaked out on her own."i replied and she looked at me not believing.

"I don't believe you-"we both said in unison.

"Yeah i knew you'd say that.Look,i need your dad's blessing next then all of this 'you can see me when no one can' thing is over.After that..i need your love."

She got in silence and finally said,

"Okay,i'm not gonna ask how that will work."

"No!Not like that are you crazy!?We're too young and i won't do that.All we have to do is be like Shrek and Fiona!"i said and she laughed.

"What are we suppose to do?Kiss?"she asked.

"Yes."i replied and she laughed,

"You're joking right?"

"No,i mean it.It's embarassing.But i'm serious.It has to be long and passionate,real,and feelings that are the same the heart that beats fast together..even when i'm dead,if we do that i live and our hearts will connect."

She got in silence as her smile faded and she just cleared her throat.Her mom suddenly woke up.Her mom looked at me and said,

"I see your parents.They admitted you are their son and my daughter's your soulmate.It took a day for us to discuss..is it a day already?"she asked and Y/n shook her head.

"Mom,you took 1 minute fainting.It took 24 hours when you fainted.Xinlong,how slow is our time in your place?"

"I don't know."

She made a 'done' face and her mom stood up and stated,

"I bless you with my daughter."

At the moment,my body felt real..like it's starting to have a life.It hurted,but i felt like something is happening.

"What?!Mom!You serious?"Y/n said and her mom nodded.

"If Xinlong lives,his parents live too.We have to take away their pain of death."her mom stated and Y/n looked at me.

"Well..if it's life and death..what would you choose Xinlong?"she asked and i held both her hands.

She looked at me as her eyes sparkled because of the light..or maybe it's just hers.

"Life.Because you are my life."i said and she cringed looking down.

"Wow you are the cheesiest person than the flirt boys in my school."she stated and i hugged her.

"I'm starting to like your relationship."her mom stated and giggled.

"Mom!"Y/n exclaimed after she pushed me.

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