Chapter 2: Real or just a nightmare?

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Marinette didn't have a good dream that night, in fact, she couldn't tell if it was her life or just a terrible dream. That day that Adrien taught Chloe how to breakdance, he cheated on her, which resulted on them getting married later and leaving Marinette heartbroken. Alya was fake all along and Nino tagged along with Alya afterwards. Tikki and Plagg died, so they passed their club onto Marinette. Marinette had changed from Ladybug to Dedug, not wanting her name to be easily recognised as Ladybug, but with a lot of similarities. Ladybug didn't disappear until a year after, so that people wouldn't think she was Ladybug. Just before Tikki died, she helped, along with the artist, who was revealed as Nathaniel from her class, get Ladybug and Dedug in the same place. Ladybug got revealed as Marinette, so Marinette was never seen again. She got Nathaniel to give her a makeover, and only Nathaniel knew what happened to Marinette. Not even her parents.

"He'd never do that...right?" Marinette thought, wiping her tears. Adrien wasn't there to wake her up, so slowly, but not slow enough, had gotten ready and left the bakery. She walked into the school, Alya waiting for her at her locker.

"Hey Mari, you okay?" Alya asked. Her expression was off, but she still looked worried.

"Nightmare," Marinette replied, trying to hide her face. Alya has a sympathetic smile, and hugged Marinette. But no matter how much platonic affection Alya showed Marinette, the thought of Alya betraying her haunted her.

She needed to be more careful

The same thing happened with Adrien, she had an off look on her face. As if he was hiding something. Her first thought was he was acting suspicious because he was hiding the fact that he cheated on her. She wasn't sure, but when he kissed her, she swore that he didn't close his eyes.

When she met up with Tikki and Plagg, and Tikki passed out. She was fine, but Plagg got concerned, and they told Marinette that she'd get the club if they passed. Of course after seeing her reaction, they reassured that it won't be for a long time, but she wasn't concerned about taking over. No, she was concerned that that dream isn't a dream, it was a vision into the future.

"You've gotta be more careful Marinette," Nathaniel said, taking by her by surprise.

"W-What?" Marinette asked.

"Don't play dumb Ladybug, it's clear that they aren't real. I mean, Adrien has been acting so weird, even as Cat Noir. Did something happen?" Nathaniel asked.

"I'm not Ladybug!" Marinette defensively screamed.

"And I'm Cat Noir," Nathaniel replied, rolling his eyes.

"But you just said-" Marinette started but was soon interrupted.

"Oh sorry, I thought we were telling lies," Nathaniel interrupted.

"But I'm not-"

"Think about who knows your identity, who do I look like?" Nathaniel asked.

Marinette took moment to think. Tikki, Plagg, Adrien, Alya, Nino, Chloé and the Evillustrator. Wait. The Evillustrator!

"Your the Evillustrator!?" Marinette whispered.

"No I'm a Papillon. Duh! I am the Evillustrator!" Nathaniel replied.

"Why would you tell me this?" Marinette asked.

"Plagg pulled me over just before I left the Club yesterday. He said that he was worried about you, and thought you could use a hand, you know, someone else to talk to about it. You seem to have a lot one your mind, maybe even doubting a few people?"

"I had this weird dream, and in fact you were in it too. It's was like nothing is as it seems," Marinette explained.

"Your right Marinette, nothing is as it seems," a voice replied. Marinette's eyes widen and she quickly darts her head around, looking for a person to accompany that voice.

"Did you hear that?" Marinette asked, turning to Nathaniel.

"Hear what?" Nathaniel raised an eyebrow at Marinette's actions.

"Never mind," Marinette mumbled, and walked off. She watched as Nathaniel shook his head and walked off to class. Then she passed Chloe, who was with Alya, Nino and Adrien.

"Hey Mari! Where have you been?" Chloe asked, making the white group turn around and greet Marinette.

"Talked with Nathaniel for a little bit. I'm not feeling too well, I'm just going to pop into the nurse's office and see if I'm sick," Marinette replied.

"Oh no. Do you want me to come with you, babe?" Adrien asked, almost overdoing it.

"No I'm fine, I'll catch you guys later at you know where," Marinette answered, starting to walk off.

"Bye!" They all replied, in sync. Then they laughed. Their laughter started to quiet down the further Marinette walked away. She quickly turned around, to see Adrien rolling his eyes and everyone but Nino laughing.

"Nino tagged along with Alya, doesn't mean he did do something to me," Marinette thought, as she turned away and started to walk closer to the nurse's office. The closer she got, the worse she felt, physically and mentally. Why was Alya faking it? Why did Adrien cheat? Why did I trust Chloe? Why didn't Nino stand up for me? Was this even real, or was it just a nightmare? Just as she knocked on the door, and the nurse opened the door, she passed out, hitting the ground hard.

"Oh my! Call an ambulance!"

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