Chapter 10: The plan

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Adrien's POV

"What are you doing here, Adrien?"

Chloe raised an eyebrow as I invited myself. She closed the door, letting me into her room.

"Dad sent me here, he wanted me to tell you the plan," Adrien said, as he took a seat on her bed.

"What plan?" Chloé questioned, taking her seat on her bed. She raised an eyebrow.

"The plan," Adrien replied. Chloe looked even more confused then she previously did, but suddenly her eyes widen.

"You mean, the final plan!? He finally thought of one!?" Chloé shouted.

"Yes. The only problem is someone has to take care of our prisoner," Adrien continued.

"Wait what? We have a prisoner?" Chloé asked curiously.

"No one told her?" Adrien thought. "Wait, of course no one told her. It'll ruin the whole plan if she knows." He shook his head quickly.

"I'm not going to question it. So, what's the plan?" Chloé replied, confused. She listened closely as Adrien explained the plan, along with how he predicted Marinette would react. All she had to do was to get the group away from Marinette.

Soon after, Adrien left her room and Chloe began to picture the plan in her head. Something in her was telling her to run away, not going along with it. Part of her was telling her to go along, she couldn't let Marinette know about that night. She imagined these parts of her as little versions of her. These little versions of her argued within her head, giving reasons and evidence as to why she should what they suggested. It wasn't until another little version of her formed, that she agreed on it. A compromise. She was going to be a double agent. She was going to help Marinette.

"No way would Marinette listen to you," a voice said.

"Hawk Moth will know something is up," another voice added.

This caused her to think a little, until she had a brilliant idea. She was going to speak to Nathaniel, to make it looks as if she was following the plan, but actually warm them about it.

"Why Nathaniel?" The voice asked, a hint of teasing in their tone.

"B-Because he will be the only one to listen to me!" Chloé argued back defensively. The voice laughed, while Chloe brought out her phone and dialled in a number.

???'s POV

It's kinda nice being here. Of course being trapped in dark room isn't all comforting, but it's better then what I had not too long ago. Even if Lila is a mean person, she keeps me company. Maybe after all this we can be friends.

Who am I kidding? Marinette would never forgive me for forgiving her. After all, I heard something about my cousin. I don't know what they are planning, but I don't think it's any good.

Stay safe guys...

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