The Hunt

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Green-the only colour they can see in through the lenses of their night vision goggle. The pouring rain makes the visibility rather poor, but despite that, the mood in the air is filled with sparks of excitement. Everyone murmurs until the facility director fires a blank shot in the air.

Under the night vision they watch an old lady trots gracefully on her way in the front. Her usual olive skin glows green and her chocolate brown eyes oddly luminescent. She wears a coat with it's hood on, a simple parka that keeps the rain out and keeps the warmth in, like everyone else. The people in the line however, wear parkas marked with faded paint. All hoods are up, as the bleak rain pelt down on them.

The mistress clears her throat, but her voice is airy, not weak but rather delicate; this delicacy however masks the her true nature of being one of the first bred contract killer the organization ever had.

"Welcome everyone, to the annual Hunt!" She beams in excitement. "For those who are new, and I will explain briefly what it is."

"The Hunt, in a sense is a small annual friendly competition that tests everyone's capability of working in a team through a paintball match. You will not get marks-as it is not a part of the curriculum. However, this is a self-assessment on how well you pair with your team mates in case of team missions. However, the team that wins will get to skip washing the dishes for half of the year. The losing team will share responsiblity for the winner's shift."

"It has been a tradition since I came here and I think it is customary to participate. I think I gave you enough encouragement to make this year interesting."

"We play by the same rules. Head shot, right on the forehead gear or the chest area. Strangely enough, we do care about your well being so no hits on the neck, or down south." Everyone laughs because every years someone would fall on their backs yelling Hail Mary's about their broken treasures.

"Each team will have identifying letter markers across the front of their parkas. One of your teamates will have a monitor on how many of your teamates and enemies, have not been eliminated and it will be your task to find them. The last surviving person or persons will receive extra money from, none other than me." She smiles as she waves the check in her hand. With that, people are more pumped and are getting giddy to start. "Due to the lack of equipment, our new recruits will have to share with the teams that adopts them; I hope you figured that one by yourselves." Her face wrinkles as she smiles. Her eyes flutter in frenzy like she's been restraining herself from the extreme excitement.

"You have a five minute start. Happy Hunting!" She says in delight as everyone makes their way inside the forest. They dash, muddling the color of the trees but managing to narrowly avoid them. The puddles splashes loudly against their combat boots , making it hard to travel inside the forest without getting attention from people. So tonight, most teams only chance are their snipers, which includes the white haired girl.

She perches on a leafy tree that conceals her just around where the head on battle will likely to arise. Most of her teammates claims the eastern part of the forest and the rest divides the rest. Antoinette and Julien will only act as a back up and will be treated as one entity; Julien wears the vest while Antoinette shoots.

The headset crackles in the white-haired girls ear, signaling that it's almost time.

"I don't see, much of them over here; it's harder to see since it's raining, do you see anything there Morgan?" one boy on the other line murmurs, the white-haired girl scans for any signs through her scope.

"Movement of the west side near the big pine tree that's turning yellow, " She replies in confidence.

"Yep, I know that one," a low voice chimes. If morgan is not mistake, it was James, a fairly experienced ambush leader. "I'll take care of that, copy."

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