Beatrice Solomon

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Beatrice Solomon is a proud single mother to the 18 year old boy, Jason Solomon. Despite being a sole parent in a conservative town, Beatrice has managed to become a respectable member of the community, and definitely a worthy title of St. Catherine's headmistress. She's work harder like everyone else, and enjoys sharing her hard work through networks of charitable projects in poverty stricken countries. Due to her fervent advocation of goodwill, and her beautiful blond petite stature, the township calls her an Angel.

But no one knows much about her past. The only thing they know is that she came from a European country, because of the heavy English accent that flows out her mouth.

No one would ever suspect, that this woman has a murky past that she left behind. However, it seems to be catching catching up on her.

Beatrice is on a board meeting, discussing to the school's benefactors the new plans for the new indoor pool she has passionately been pushing on for months. The directors listen intently to what she has to say due to the unshakable fact that more prominent figures are choosing St. Catherine for their childrens education the moment she was elected for the headmistress position.

The board members and the benefactors have all been sufficiently impressed with the plans Beatrice presented. All that was left is finding contractors to start the project. A light rap on the mahogany door interupts the final phase of the meeting. All heads turn as a young brunnette in a prim light chiffon dress and dark skirt enters in clutching the cordless phone in her hands.

"I'm sorry Ms. Solomon, it's important," Natalie muses at the phone.

Beatrice's forehead creasesand her face darkens in worry. As fast as it had appeared it was gone. Her face lights up again.

"Go ahead, Beatrice. It's already been decided. Take the call," an old blading gentleman states giving her a curt nod.

"Excuse me, madam, monsieur," she bows theatrically, grabbing the phone from Natalie and shuts the door behind her.

"Hello, Beatrice Solomon speaking; how may I help you this fine day?" The blond inquire in curiousity, it is rather rare that she receives phone calls this late in the evening.

There was a long pause before a soft female voice speaks. "Hello, Katherine."

The blond freezes and turns white as a sheet. No one around town knows about that cursed name, the name she had long forgotten and detested.

Natalie stares at Beatrice in concern. The young headmistress has never shown this kind of face, unless it concerns Jason Solomon.

Beatrice tries to compose her face but her calm façade had already crumble as fear mars her angelic face.

"I'll have to take this in my office, thanks Natalie," she whispers at the brunnette and forces a smile. Although Natalie feels something is off, she  represses her curiousity.

It's none of my business.

The blond turns pivots around and makes her way to her office where she can have some privacy and figure out who the caller is.

The moment she closes the door, her tone changes entirely. The fear that gripped her has faded into a sinister blood lust brought on by her maternal instincts.

"Who is this?!" She shrills in pure hysteria.

A melodic laugh answers back, "calm down," the voice replies. "I am not a foe, nor am I a friend, and believe me when I tell you that I wasn't trying to find you, but rather I just happen to... stumble upon you.

I am, someone you don’t know, yet I know about you. Please, I'm in no way of posing ill intentions; I am merely calling to ask a favour."

"You didn't answer my question," Beatrice spits hotly back.

"You won't even know me if I tell you, please just hear me out," the voice pleads, as if under severe distress. 

Beatrice weighs her options and realizes that she's at the mercy of this mysterious caller.

"Now that you're not blowing my eardrum, let's chat," the caller replies in relief.

"There will be a transferree there by..." the voice pauses as if to calculate in her head. " Ah, yes, next month, and all I want you to do is watch over her. Right now, I'm afraid that I am of no means of doing so," the voice adds her voice laced with utter helplessness.

"Your school has a topnotch security, and I wish to place her there. I will be transferring you a good sum of... donation in good grace that you will accept this offer. If not, well, I hate to be the villain but I will have to resort in some sort of solution to have you agree with my wishes," the voice continious in a sad tone, as if not wanting to do exactly the latter.

Beatrice was speechless, horrified of the caller's indicated intentions; Jason is her life.

"Please, consider taking my first offer. I'll call you back by next week to confirm. It is lovely to see you happy, Jason is lucky to have you as his mother," the caller states in a longing sound, then hangs up.

Beatrice becomes more mortified that the caller knows her son. All she could do is clutch the phone on her hands and weep on her knees. Someone has found her, and with Jason as her Achilles, she has no choice but to agree.

However, agreeing does not mean they will be safe. This could mean that she'll be exposing the both of them, to the nightmare she wished to nothing but forget. A nightmare so horrifying she wakes up everynight gasping for air. Because she knows herself, that the moment she dies, she'll be going to hell.

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