Chapter 1

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After Y/N had accepted Laughing Jack's proposal the two returned inside to enjoy the rest of the ball. They danced most of the night as well as spent time with all their friends.

Of course Y/N didn't know many of the Mansions residents but she got a chance to meet them.

After a while LJ looked at the time, upon noticing that it was 1 am already he decided that it was time to go home. They said their goodbye's, before they head out.
Walking through the woods side by side, LJ looked over at Y/N with a tender smile.

"What, do I have something on my face?" She asked as she wiped her cheek.LJ chuckled and shook his head before speaking.

"No, I was just admiring my fiance. Can I not?" He said with a smug smirk.
Her face turned as red as a tomato before she looked away embarrassed.

"Oh you!" Y/N said in protest before she punched his arm. He gave her a playfully offended expression while holding his arm.

"Why are you so abusive,
LJ said while chuckling a little, she laughed and gave him a rather evil look.

"Don't be such a wuss" she stated as she shook her head. LJ rolled his eyes and scuffs.

Y/N giggled and held his hand, she looked up at her now fiance for a moment before she looked forward and they continued their walk.
The rest of the walk was quiet, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence it was more like they were both just enjoying each other's company. As well as just enjoying their walk.

After a while they finally made it home, of course Emra wasn't there because she was over with Sally at Jane's house.
So they had the house all to themselves.
Y/N took of her shoes and sighed in relief, before she walked upstairs.

She undid her hair and before she could even make it passed her bedroom door, LJ picked her up causing her to scream surprised.

"LJ! You big meanie" She protests while laughing despite the slight heart attack.

He laughed a little before he leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

"I think we should head to bed. You have work tomorrow,young lady" He stated as he chuckled.

Y/N nuzzled her head on his shoulder in a sense of agreement.
"Fine, but it's not cause I have work it's cause I want to." She said in protest unable to just agree with it as it is.

"Mmhm sure, bedtime little miss." He stated as he placed her on the bed gently.
Y/N growled and shifted a bit.

"Jackie, I am too tired to smack you right now. So consider yourself lucky." She stated as she closed her eyes and hums.
LJ looked at her concerned.

"So abusive." He stated as he took off his clothes, before putting on some shorts and laying beside her.
"Are you staying with that dress on?" He asked giving her a kiss on her cheek.

She ignored his first comment before she huffs a bit.
"What dress?" She asked, obviously sleep high.
He tapped her hip gently and chuckled.

"The one you have on, Y/N" he stated as he placed soft kisses on her neck. She hums tilting her head to the side giving him more access to it.

"Oh that, I'll take it off. Gimme a sec" she slurred a bit as she shifts. LJ chuckled and moved so that she could get up without issue.
Y/N got up and took off her dress.

His Psychotic Smile PT.2(LJxReader)Where stories live. Discover now