Chapter 2

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Jeff and I had gone to Candy Pop's hide out to discuss the preparations for the treats and over all food selection.

"Well what were you thinking of putting on the table?"
Candy asked as he grabbed a notepad and a pen.

"Well any sweets would be good."
Jeff mentioned as he then looked over at me.
I nodded in agreement and Candy proceeded to write that down.

"So dinner, where you thinking of going with the traditional guts and-"

"DUDE! What the hell kind of wedding did you go to?!"
I asked as I raised an eyebrow.

Jeff started to laugh, like it was some kind of joke. Candy smiled and he shrugged.
"I mean, humans are interesting."
He responded.

"What the f- okay whatever. But anyway, I don't want none of that!" I stated firmly.

Candy huffed and then nods.
"Tch, fine. You're no fun." He said as he wrote stuff down.

"What the hell is wrong with you." I asked as I shook my head.
They both stared at me for a moment, there was silence for a moment or two.

Before Jeff spoke.
"The psycho clown..wants to know what is wrong with the other psycho clown?" He asked as he chuckled.

I shook my head and rolled eyes.
"As much as i would love to keep this conversation going, I should go back to Y/N."
I stated and sighed.

Jeff and Candy nodded, I left Jeff in charge of the food stuff.
So I walked back to the Slender mansion.

As soon as I stepped foot into the building, I got a bad feeling. I felt like something wasn't right. So I walked around with caution.

Trying to find Y/N and Emra, I opened the door to the ballroom slowly and with a blink of an eye I was pinned to a wall.
My eyes widened as I stared at Slender.

"Um...Sir I am engaged." I mentioned before he let me go and groaned in annoyance.

"I do not intend to do anything with you." He mentioned and I sighed in relief.
Mainly cause I knew I had no chance to fight for dominance here.

"Where is Y/N?" I asked and Slender instantly made a shush noise.
"Excuse-" he covered my mouth and looked around.
I took his hand away from mt mouth and i stayed silent.

The atmosphere seemed eerie at the moment,something wasn't right at the moment.
After a while I suddenly felt at ease, whatever that was about it has passed. For now at least.

"I do not know what that was, but you should go find Y/N. I instructed her to take Emra and Sally to your old room."
Slender mentioned and he sighed.
Before I left though he explained what had happened with Emra and Sally.

I nodded and made my way out of the ballroom. I walked upstairs and towards the bedroom. Soon enough I approach the door and knocked softly.

"Y/N it's me, can you let me in?"

said softly.

Soon enough the door opened, I looked at her and noticed how uneasy she seemed to be.

His Psychotic Smile PT.2(LJxReader)Where stories live. Discover now