Chapter 3

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Laughing Jack took Y/N and Emra back to their home, since he wanted to talk to his fiance about what their daughter had told him.
After a bit they walked into the home and LJ placed Emra down.

"Sweetie go play in your room, mommy and me have to talk."
LJ said softly as he gently patted the small girl's head.

She nodded before running up the stairs.
Y/N shook her head briefly before sighing, she doesn't like Emra runs up those stairs. Worried that she could get hurt.

"How's about I make us some tea or maybe coffee?" Y/N asked as she then turned towards LJ.
He smiles and nods.

"Hm, coffee would be great right now."
He states as he hums. She nodded and made her way to the kitchen.

She started to prepare the coffee, while LJ waited for her in the living room. He sat down and took a deep breath, he thought a little more about what the little girl had said but it just didn't seem to make sense to him.

After a few minutes, Y/N walked over to LJ while holding two cups of coffee.
"Here you go, baby." She said lovingly while handing him a cup.
LJ took the cup and he smiled up at her.

"Thank you,shorty." He replied while smiling. She giggled and took a seat next to him.

"One of these days I will punch you." She mentioned playfully.
He looked over at her while raising an eyebrow.

"You already punch me, what the hell you mean?" He states while sticking out his tongue.

Y/N laughs softly and nudged him a little.
"I do not, I don't know why you'd think such a thing."
She said playing innocent.

"Mmhmm, liar." He said before taking a sip of his coffee.
She stuck out her tongue at him before she took a sip of her coffee as well.

She placed her cup against her leg while holding it gently.
"So, what is it that you would want to talk about?"
She asked and raised an eyebrow.

He shifts to be looking at her a little better before he spoke.
"Well, when you left after teasing me..I'll get you back for that by the way. But I asked Emra about what had happened hoping that she'd at least tell me something."
He mentioned.

She nodded and giggled at his remark.
"Oh I see, did she talk about it?" She asked before taking another sip of her coffee.

"Well yes, but she only mentioned two things. To me it doesn't make sense though."
He stated and he sighed.

Y/N tilted her head and she looked at him confused.
"How so?"
She asked curiously.

"The only thing she said was, scary man and door." LJ mentioned as he then took a sip of his coffee.
She looked at him completely confused for a moment before placing her cup on the coffee table.

"Scary man, door? That's it?" She asked.
LJ nods and shrugged before placing his cup next to hers.

"Yeah, that's all she said. I didn't want to continue asking since she seemed freaked out."
He said before he let out a slight sign.

Y/N nodded and she then thinks for a moment.
Scary man..door..door? She thought trying to make sense of what she was just told.

"Could she mean the ballroom doors? I mean they stayed closed the entire time we were in there."
She stated as she looked up at LJ.

He raised an eyebrow and he then hums.
"Are you sure? Maybe you could have gotten distracted at some point."
He mentioned while moving a lock of hair away from Y/N's face.

She thinks for a moment and shook her head.
"Even if I did, those are big doors and they do tend to make noise when they are opened."
she stated while smiling at the kind gesture.

LJ replied while sighing. He was a little more confused as to why Emra had mentioned a door.

"Did she show any fear towards Slenderman at any point?"
He asked before picking up his cup of coffee once again to take a sip.

"Hm, not at all. She was fine, I assume it's mostly because she was playing with Sally."
She mentioned while shrugging.

Her statement just made LJ more confused than he already was, he couldn't seem to find something that made sense to what the small girl said.

"Maybe I could try to ask Sally about it tomorrow."
Y/N suggested as she then took her cup of coffee and took a small sip.

LJ nods before drinking the rest of his coffee.
"That would be helpful. Maybe she could shed some light on the matter."
He said as he then placed his cup down.

She nods and drinks a bit more of her coffee before placing the cup down.
LJ shifts again and he placed his hand upon her cheek.

She leaned onto his touch slightly nuzzling his hand, he leaned in and placed his soft lips on hers.
Y/N hums and kissed back while placing her hand on his.

LJ leaned towards her a little more as he deepened the kiss, making it a little more passionate. He snaked his other hand along her thigh gently.
Y/N hums before she pulled away, breaking the kiss.

"Sneaky boy, don't try anything right now. Emra is upstairs." She stated poking his chest.
He rolled his eyes playfully before chuckling.

"Just be quiet she won't hear anything."
He said teasingly gripping her thigh. She squeaks in surprise before playfully smacking his hand.

"Jakie, don't be dirty."
She said giggling. LJ kissed Y/N's cheek before moving back a bit.

"Okay fine, I'll behave for now."
He states while giving her a teasingly hungered look before biting his lip.

She protests before punching his arm. He gasps and looked at me playfully offended.

"You see! You punch me." He stated and he laughed a little.
Y/N laughed softly before patting his shoulder.

"Okay fine, I can see why you think I punch you." She said playing innocent.

"What?! What do you mean think, you just punched me."
He said before grabbing Y/N and pinning her to the sofa.
She gasped and stared up at him.

"Jackie,what do you think you're doing?"
She asked while raising an eyebrow.
He smirks before he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Well my dear, I am going to.." He paused for a moment while he straightened up and moved his hands to her sides.
he said as he then began to tickle her.

Y/N began to laugh and squirm a little.
"STOP! No no no whyyyy?!" She protested while laughing constantly.
LJ kept tickling her while smirking evilly.

"I will only stop if you admit that you punched me."
He stated while continuing to tickle her.
She was already wheezing so she nodded instantly.

"Okay, okay!!! I punched you."
She finally admits while she was gasping for air. LJ chuckled before he stopped.

He said playfully, before he leaned down and gave her a quick kiss.
She took a deep breath and she giggled.

She said before she yanked him by his shirt collar, and she placed her lips on his.
Her actions caught him completely off guard.

He wasn't expecting her to do that, but he kissed back. LJ gently moved his hand along her thigh gently while smiling into the kiss. She hums not minding it this time, but she snuck a soft bite at his bottom lip.

LJ huffed a little and gave out a little chuckle.
"Sneaky~" he whispered in a hoarse tone.


Well well, who could have interrupted them this time?

Find out next chapter


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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