
160 58 27

It's time to STOP

The fear runs through your veins,
it's like it will drown you ,
you'll leave this life...
you hear your heart beating so fast,
is she gonna survive?

You can't feel your arms,
you fall and crash to the ground,
and you breathe fast,
holding onto that thin air,
hoping you'll make it even this time.

How many times have you fought death?
How many times has she caressed your head?
You still go for the impossible,
you still dream, and try, and fall to the ground,
it's the human nature that calls you from inside!

It's time to stop, my darling,
it's time to let go,
you should step back and not mess with her anymore,
life is not a game or maybe she is,
but don't take her for granted,
one day she'll disappear!


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