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Some people think home is a house,
two floors, a garden and kids playing around.
Some people think it's somebody's chest,
where they lay their heads and suddenly feel safe.
Some others think it's under a tree in a park,
where something happened and changed their lives.
Ask three different people and that's what you get,
three different answers, not two are the same.

Well it's shallow to think home is a place,
rather than a feeling that burns in your veins,
a feeling that you're completed, your life found its aim,
the feeling that you're safe,
that where you're staying is exactly your place.

If you ask me, home is every place I go,
that gifts me love and peace and warmth,
every place I can be totally myself,
without being scared people will judge the way I am,
every place where I can sleep at peace,
'cause problems and stress won't ever reach me.

So travel the world and find what you want!
No matter if it's a person, a place or a job,
find something or someone that lights in you a blaze,
a blaze that keeps burning and lights the way ahead!


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