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Ukraine POV (It's gonna be like that for the entire story, so deal)

After getting off the bus, I sighed and started walking home. It had been a normal day, which for me meant that there wasn't too much bullying. After reaching the front door, I reached into my pocket and fumbled with my key ring. After choosing the right one, I pushed it in and opened the door.
"Hey Dad, I'm home!" I shouted. No response. "Dad, I'm home!" He probably went out, I thought. Yet I couldn't shake that small nagging feeling of worry. Telling myself to shake it off, I went up the stairs and into my bedroom, throwing my backpack on the floor. I figured I would draw for a little bit before I started my homework, since I didn't have that much. Taking out my pencils, I walked over to my desk and stopped cold. There was a sticky note right on top of my stack of paper. My heart beating quicker, I reached over and carefully peeled it off. That worry in my chest turned to horror as I read it:
Dear Ukraine,
If you are reading this, it means that it was my time. I am now somewhere else, and you don't have to worry about me. Make sure to take care of your siblings for me. I love you, my little flower.
Love, Dad
I stared at it for what felt like a long time, tears welling up in my eyes. Finally, I couldn't stand it anymore and dropped onto my knees, sobbing.

~Crap I made myself cry~

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