Chapter 8

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~wow I'm on Chapter 8 already? Crazy. I'm having a lot of fun writing this (even though there are some depressing parts), and I hope you're enjoying reading it!~

As Canada drove me to his house, I couldn't help feeling nervous. I was sure my first meeting with his parents would be somewhat awkward. "Hey, I'm the girl who almost killed herself after your son threatened me with a knife! I'm in love with one of your other sons, and also I'm coming to live with you because I can't be trusted alone! So, how's your day been going?" Thinking that probably didn't help, as I started getting even more nervous.
"Hey Canada, maybe we shouldn't do this. I-I mean, like, it's going to be so awkward, and..." I made a vague waving motion. He took my hand in his, keeping the other on the wheel.
"Ukraine, it's going to be okay. My mom is dying to meet you, and my dad is probably happy that I've actually found someone who I love."
"Wait... what did you tell them about our relationship?"
"Oh, nothing much, just that we're boyfriend and girlfriend now."
I sighed. "Isn't that a little... early?" He jokingly batted his eyes at me, while I rolled mine. "Alright, alright." Just then we pulled into his driveway, gravel crunching under the tires. I started breathing a lot quicker than normal, but then Canada put his hand out on my arm.
"Hey," he said. "It's gonna be okay. Besides, the plans are already finalized. They aren't going to turn you away or anything." I sighed.
"I know, but... what if they don't like me?"
"Rain," he said, using my new nickname. "They will love you. Now let's go!"

I went up to the house and gingerly rang the doorbell, wincing at the slight pain it caused my wrist. Canada walked up behind me, carrying my bag. I swallowed. Suddenly my mouth felt very dry. Canada rubbed my back reassuringly. I took a deep breath and stood there as a silhouette came up to the door.

The door creaked open and a woman came to the door. France, I thought to myself.
"Bonjour, mon Cheri!" she said to Canada. Turning to me, she said, "and you must be Ukraine, right?" I nodded and she continued. "It is so nice to meet you! Canada's told me so much about you, and I can't wait to get to know you better!" I shot a look at Canada, but he was purposefully looking away. I sighed and followed France inside.

Once we had made it inside, France insisted on taking my bag up into my room. She said America's dad, England, was away at work, but he would be back soon. France was a professor, but since it was summer break, her job was off. After she went into a different room, I said to Canada, "honestly, I wasn't even thinking about summer break after all that happened, but it's looking like it's going to be pretty great."

~sorry this was so short, but the stories should be a lot longer as Ukraine does stuff with Canada's family over the long summer break. Also, this is the first chapter in which nobody's crying! Success! ~

542 words

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