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Keith pov
I wake up and soon realize what happened so I call out for lance
" Lance!! " I yell
" Oh shut up he's right here" Voltor says coming in holding what looks like lance
" Let him go please " I say crying " Was it you or lance who asked to be boyfriends" I asked wanting to know
" Oh that was lance him self he was so scared when he saw us he bagged us not to do anything to you but we had to bring you in but we promise him we wouldn't hurt you only him" Voltor says smirking
My eyes widen "no lance don't hurt him please " I yell
" Hush" Voltor says stabing lance with a knife and throughing him to the ground
"Lance! " I yell but I can't get to him because another gaurd comes in and holds me tightly the next thing I see is voltor on top of lance about to rape him
" No voltor please" I yell but my mouth is soon covered by a hand and is see lance crying when voltor squeeze his balls so tightly to were it hurts then voltor slides in him
I cry realizing I can't do anything so after voltor was done he and the guards left me and lance alone. Once I got the strength to get up I ran to lance and helped him get dressed and set him up.
" I'm sorry I couldn't do anything this is all my fault" I cry
" No it's your fault Keith I begged them not to do that to you because I know you would've gotten pregnant and I didn't want that to happen to you so I new what was coming they didn't hurt you like they said but they did hurt you emotionally".lance says hugging me tightly
"Are you hurt lance? " I asks worrying
" Only sore but hey don't worrie at least it wasn't you " Lance says
I smile
" We have to get out of here before they do anything else " I say
" But how theres guards everywhere if we even try well be shoot" Lance says
" Contact our lions with our minds? " I say
" Keith your a genius " Lance says as he kisses me I blush and kiss back
" Ok let's focus " I say and we close our eyes focusing on our lions so enough before we know it we here tell lions along with the rest
" We did it and our team is here to " Lance says smiling I smile to but stop once a gaurd comes in a grabs us both with guns at our backs soon we see the team coming up
" Move and we'll shoot" The gaurd says I look do scared I turn my head to lance seeing him fight and get shot I try to scram but I cant I just ended up crying
"Give us both our teams back " I here Shiro says
" Only one and you choose " Gaurd says
I here the team talking and they turn around and Shiro answer
" Give us Keith " Shiro says I look do shocked how can they lance is shot and well probably die in here " No take lance please he's shot and hurt don't worrie about me " I says but soon after a hand is out on my mouth
" Is that your final answer? " Gaurd says
"No we change our mind give us lance" Shiro says and  I smile seeing them let lance go but he's hurt so I cry
Lance turns around and runs towards me no go no lance what are you doing. He removes the gaurds hand and kiss me I kiss back and smile " Go" I say smiling
Lance runs into his lion taking mine along with him I smile knowing lance I'd safe but my smile turns to a scared looked when I see all glara mall staring at me and smirking
Oh god lance please come and safe me. I think I love you lance just know that

* hey guys i hope you like this chapter sorry it's been taking for ever I've had online school I've been recently talking to an old friend so life is getting weird but I'll try and update more often please comment down below what you think. And sorry for any wrong spelling I make

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