𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 - 1

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Janet pov:

I am sitting inside The Sweetheart Cafe waiting for my friends, Alison and Jordan and like everyother day they are late. I sighed looking at the couple in front of me. The boy whispered something in the girl's ear which made her blush. If only I have someone who can make me blush like that.

As I heard the bell I looked at the door hoping that my friends are here but instead a group of men entered. As they walked in my direction, I noticed all of them were hot and handsome. I bit my lower lip and brushed away the thoughts forming in my mind. I need to keep my mind clear as it is first day of my new job.

The group sat on the table in front of me and I tried my best not to stare at the man facing me. He has beautiful Amber eyes, I have never seen one before and his dark golden Auburn hair with caramel highlights is making him look sexy. For one instance he looked at me and then continued talking. The door bell ringed again but I was too busy staring at the man to notice my friends.

"Janet?"Alison said sitting down on the chair beside me.

"Oh! You are here,"I said looking at my friend.

"Me too Janet,"Jordan said acting disappointed.

"Sorry,"I said looking at him.

"What made you ignore us?"he asked. I looked at the front table but as soon as he looked at the group he cursed and stand up from his place.

"Let's leave,"he said and dragged both of us out of the cafe.

"What's wrong with you?"Alison asked.

"You don't know them?"he replied shockingly.

"Umm....no?"she said.

"They are the members of mafia," he said.

"What?" Me and Alison said together. I looked back at the cafe and regretted instantly. The guy I was staring at is now looking at me and he smirked.

"Janet let's go," Jordan said and we all sat inside my car driving off towards our destination. We hurried upstairs after greeting receptionist to our respected floor. I reached the last floor and looked at the young lady setting behind the desk.

She has blonde hair which are tied up in a formal bun and her sharp blue eyes are staring at me. She is wearing a white shirt and black knee length skirt. I was feeling a little nervous at this moment.

"Good morning, I am Janet Lopez and today is my first day as Mr Martin personal assistant," I introduced myself.

"Morning Miss Lopez, I am ada Lillian. It's nice to meet you," she said standing up from her place and we formally shaked our hands. She showed me my office and explained everything. I looked around and was really impressed.

"Miss Lopez, sir is waiting for you," she said. I nodded and grabbed my pen and notepad rushing towards his office. I took the deep breath and knocked on the door.

"Come in." I heard his strong voice from the other side. I entered the office and looked around It is same as it was two years ago. I looked at the man sitting in the chair staring at me intensely.

"Good morning Mr Martin."I said looking at him. He is still as handsome as I remember.

"You are late,"he replied looking at me with blank expression. I licked my lips and then glanced at the watch. What??? I am just 1 minute late he got to be kidding me.

"Sorry sir,"I said and looked at him.

"I don't accept that word Miss Lopez, Sit down." I did as he said me to nodding my head.

"Here is the schedule for today make sure from tomorrow you are here before I arrive. I want my coffee and schedule on this desk every morning," he said.

"Okay sir," I said looking at the schedule.

"We have a meeting in 5 minutes," I said looking at him.

"Yes we do, but you won't be accompanying me as you are late and you don't have any knowledge about it,"he said and stand up from his place. I immediately get on my feet and looked at him.

"Take this and sort them out in increasing order," He said pointing at the stack of papers and walked closer to me. I moved back trying to make some space between us but he pulled me closer to him and wishpered in my ear.

"Welcome to hell,"


I smiled as I looked at Alison and Jordan walking out of the building. Today was a really busy day, even though all I just did was arrange paper in his office. I am tried of him staring at me all the time.

"Hi girl, how was your first day?"Alison asked sitting inside the car.

"Don't please," I said to her and she nodded understanding.

"Let's go to the club today," Jordan said sitting in the driver seat. Even though it's my car, Jordan is the one who always drives it. I don't know what he likes about white Mercedes Benz AMG A45 S it's not even as good as my other two cars, Red Ferrari Portofino and Black Lamborghini Huracan, That's all I have right now.

I used to have a life before, Big mansion, lots of money, expensive stuff, food and cars until one day my multimillionaire father decided to disown me. My mother is no good, she does what my father tell her to do.

Two years ago when I went against my father, he thought that disowning me will bring me back to reality but little did he forget that I am a crazy woman. He hurted my pride, and since then I never went back to that place. Hopefully I was done with my studies till then and after a year I got the call from our family lawyer that I am getting my allowance. All I got was these three cars because these are my favorite babies, and these cars were gifted to me by my grand parents, and he knows that I will never sell them.

"Earth to Janet,"Jordan said.

"Yes,"I replied to him.

"You didn't replied about the club plan," Alison said.

"I am okay with it until I am getting wine and smoke,"I said smiling at them.

"That's it then we are getting drunk," Alison said excitedly.

"Umm...we do have work tomorrow,"Jordan said.

"Ah.......I don't want to work with him,"I said fake crying.

"Why?" Alison asked.

"I just don't like him,"I said looking outside the window trying to forget but all the memories are fresh back in my mind like it all happened yesterday.

Hello lovely readers🖤!!!

How are you all? Hope you all are fine and healthy. I hope you all will love and support this story. There is going to be lot of editing till the end to make it good enough to give it a try.

🚨🚨An important note: English is my third language and I make a lot of grammatical mistakes. I hope you all will manage to get the end without losing interest because of this.🚨🚨
Thank you😊😊

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